6 Reasons Women Should Be Wary of Alcohol, According to an Expert


In France, drinking alcohol, especially wine, is cultural. Although the overall volume of pure alcohol consumed has been decreasing since the 1960s, our country remains among the biggest consumers of alcohol, according to data from Santé Publique France. In 2019, it ranked sixth among the 34 OECD countries. In addition, for some time now, we have been seeing an increase in alcohol consumption among women. According to Social Security, the proportion of women reporting having had a heavy one-off drinking binge at least once a year increased from 21.4% in 2017 to 23.0% in 2021. The proportion reporting at least one heavy one-off drinking binge per month increased from 7.6% in 2017 to 8.6% in 2021. But, just as tobacco can interfere with the production and balance of estrogen and progesterone, the main female sex hormones, alcohol affects the endocrine system and the female body’s ability to regulate hormones. “It can have a profound effect on mood stability and reproductive health, particularly in younger women of childbearing age, whose reproductive systems are still developing,” explains Mike Kocsis, hormonal health specialist at Balance My Hormones to the British media The Mirror. Let’s go into detail.

1/ Alcohol can affect menstrual cycles

Alcohol can also be the cause (…)

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