Michel Barnier faces the puzzle of forming a future government


After the long negotiations and finally the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister, a new period of negotiations for the formation of the future government is now opening. A headache for the new tenant of Matignon who must deal with a divided National Assembly.

“It will not only be a right-wing government”, there will be “people from the left” with “perhaps” some outgoing members: the composition of the new government is becoming all the more of a headache for Michel Barnier as it will have to survive in a fractured National Assembly.

The new tenant of the rue de Varenne, who came from the right and who has not failed to criticize Emmanuel Macron in the past, intends to put his stamp on this team, while the head of state has promised to keep a greater distance.

“The president will preside and the government will govern,” assured Michel Barnier on Friday, desiring more “independence”, including on the composition of the government, surely at the center of his working lunch on Monday with the president.

In the areas of sovereign positions, which are usually the “reserved” domain of the President of the Republic, his room for maneuver could be limited, despite the international profile of the Prime Minister, twice European Commissioner, former Brexit negotiator and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Towards a “breakup”?

With AFP


Read also:
Appointed Prime Minister, Michel Barnier promises to “respond to the challenges and anger” of the French
Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister: the right choice?
Marine Le Pen denies having participated in the nomination of Michel Barnier to Matignon


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