Michel Barnier to meet left-wing figures “soon”


QA few days after his appointment by Emmanuel Macron, the new Prime Minister is working to form his new government. To remedy this, Michel Barnier, newly appointed Prime Minister, is working on the composition of his team.

This Monday, September 9 at 3 p.m., Michel Barnier received the elected representatives of the Libertés, indépendants, outre-mer et territoires (Liot) group at Matignon. On France Info, Stéphane Lenormand, MP for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and president of the group of 21 MPs, assured that the presence of Liot elected representatives in the government was “not at all on the agenda for discussions today.” At the end of the meeting, the elected representative told BFMTV that the Liot group had not come to “give names” but “really” to tell Michel Barnier what were the “priorities on which the French want rapid answers.”

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According to information from France Info – confirmed by The Parisian –, Michel Barnier will “meet left-wing personalities soon”. The entourage of the former candidate in the Republicans (LR) primary also assures that the new Prime Minister has already spoken on the phone with “certain” left-wing representatives, without giving further details.

Avoid the motion of censure

Also on Monday, the National Rally (RN) MP for Loiret, Thomas Ménagé, told BFMTV that “his party is not opposed […] Read more


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