Marilyne Canto (Commissioner Ruffin) reacts to the end of the France 2 series (SPOILER)


Monday September 9, France 2 offers the six episodes of Follow which will keep the bravest ones up very late, eager to know the name of the serial killer. A finale that Marilyne Canto, who plays Commissioner Ruffin, commented on for Tele-Leisure.

On Monday, September 9, France 2 will broadcast the six episodes following Follow (our opinion), a 2.0 police series since the serial killer who is raging and terrorizing the capital uses social networks. The investigation is led by Commissioner Agathe Ruffin, played by Marilyne Canto (well known to fans ofAlex Hugo), who, completely helpless in the face of the methods used, calls on a community manager doing an internship at the Paris police station. Interviewed on the occasion of the broadcast of Follow, The actress also reacted to the series finale, already available on

Follow highlights the drift of social networks

The most daring viewers will have waited until the end of the broadcast of Follow to discover that the serial killer is the daughter of a famous influencer who posted her every move on social media, including her daughter’s: her first period, her first boyfriend…It’s all a bit different when it’s public,” said the killer. “The series denounces how, with the drift of networks, overexposure can destroy a life, precise Marilyne Canto, the interpreter of Commissioner Ruffin. This is what this young girl says when she explains that her life was stolen from her. Overexposure makes you lose all identity. By trying to create a false one, you no longer have one. It’s serious.”

For Marilyne Canto, social networks are in moderation

As to whether Follow changed the way she uses social media, the actress responds: “No, because I’m only moderately involved. I try to keep my distance from all that and I’m better for it. I see the addiction that it can cause in some people and it doesn’t suit me, it’s not for me. I mainly post a favorite for a film, an actor, a book… I don’t need to share everything, it’s enthusiasm that makes me publish something.”
Marilyne Canto also reveals what worries him about social networks: “What concerns me is the hatred that this engenders. The fact that one can deposit so much meanness, hurtful words, anger. All anonymously and without any real right of reply. It’s sad. That’s really what bothers me the most.”


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