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At the National Assembly, this strange meeting launches the battle of the Budget


POLITICS – Political life is full of oddities. This Monday, September 9, the Finance Committee of the National Assembly is scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. So far, nothing unusual, a budget is to be presented in the coming weeks. But where things are more surprising is that around the table, we will find the two resigning ministers Bruno Le Maire and Thomas Cazenave. Important detail: the latter is also a member of parliament for Gironde, and a member of the famous committee responsible for hearing him.

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The arrival of Michel Barnier at Matignon on September 5 may have driven out Gabriel Attal, who is taking the reins of the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group in the Assembly, but the former ministers remain in office to manage current affairs until a new government is appointed. Is the situation sustainable? MP Constance Le Grip concedes in the world that it exists “there is always a risk that the big mess will sweep over political life.” Effectively.

“This week I had planned to interview the new ministers. I thought that 52 days after the resignation of the government, we would have a new one. This is not the case”regretted the LFI president of the Finance Committee Éric Coquerel on September 9 on France Info. The objective of today’s meeting will therefore be to outline the budget for the year 2025… But also to demand accountability from the resigning ministers. Documents revealed on September 2 showed that for the second consecutive year, the French public deficit could increase considerably.

“Austerity policy wanted by Macron”

A bad signal, since, like six other countries, France was singled out at the beginning of the summer by the European Commission for excessive budget deficit, raising fears of sanctions that could amount to several billion euros. The resigning government, anxious not to be singled out for its mismanagement, then imagined drastic savings measures to try to stay on track.

Which leads Éric Coquerel to say that the budget in preparation “continues the same policy of supply, competitiveness and austerity desired by Macron”. But the Insoumis MP does not lose hope of modifying this budget in a major way, by making it « NFP-compatible »He promises intense work by the left-wing deputies on the Finance Committee to change the government’s framework. It remains to be seen how, and especially when, the copy will be delivered.

Because there is still an unknown factor on this subject: will the budget be tabled as planned on October 1st? The first president of the Court of Auditors Pierre Moscovici opened the way this Sunday, September 8th to a postponement. I am calling for a real, complete and detailed finance bill to be tabled.. And if we need to take a few more days, that’s possible.”he justified in The Parisianpromising that the upcoming budget would probably be “the most delicate of the Fifth Republic”But in the Senate, many are sticking to the October 1 date and are ruling out any postponement.

Under heavy fire from the opposition who criticize them for the deterioration of public accounts, Bruno Le Maire and Thomas Cazenave will therefore have to answer questions from the deputies, which will focus as much on the substance of the budgetary guidelines as on the (possibly unprecedented) form of their implementation, from 5:30 p.m. A session which promises to be lively.

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