The reform of the Valls circular signs the end of the “arm” regularization of undocumented persons, said interior Minister Bruno Retailleau on Friday in the aftermath of a new circular to the prefects calling for tightening the screw. “The objective is to decrease immigration, to fight against immigration in particular illegal and not to regularize in turn,” said the tenant of Place Beauvau on Cnews and Europe 1.
“If we want to reduce this immigration, especially illegal, we must not regularize too much, because (otherwise) we give a bonus to irregularity, to those who have defrauded,” he added. “There is no right to regularization,” said Bruno Retailleau. “I recalled (to prefects) that there was no systematic right, automatic law, law enforceable against regularization. »»
The new text is “applicable today (Friday) And was officially presented during the day by Bruno Retailleau during a trip to the Yvelines. The circular plans to change the philosophy of the Valls circular allowing the prefectures each year to regularize by work or for family reasons more than 30,000 undocumented, the Minister of the Interior assuming that “the fact that the way of regularization is exceptional ”with this circular.
“If we want to conduct a firmness policy, we must take the means,” said Bruno Retailleau when he trip to the Yvelines, defending a “firmness circular”. “There is a consensus at the national level which wants this firmness policy,” he said, quoting that “the leftist electorate has changed”, “much more realistic than many left parliamentarians”.
-On CNews and Europe 1, Bruno Retailleau also said Friday morning that he was planning a next circular on naturalizations “with the same objective”. “The concept of assimilation, we talk about it less and less because we have a breakdown of integration (…), but the civil code is clear, it evokes the word assimilation,” he explained.
This Friday afternoon, facing the press, the Minister of the Interior also said he was favorable to a referendum on immigration, although constitutionally impossible. “If there is one subject where the French will have to deliberate one day, it is immigration, because it is undoubtedly the subject which for half a century has the most deeply upset French society “, He justified. And Bruno Retailleau to call to modify the Constitution in order to “make a very broad referendum on all migratory questions”.