“Sustainable business” status will not see the light of day

“Sustainable business” status will not see the light of day
“Sustainable business” status will not see the light of day

It is a parliamentary object which had divided management circles. The initiative “Introduce an optional legal status “Sustainable Business” for Swiss SMEs”, tabled in 2023 by the national green advisor Sophie Michaud Gigon, was born under the impetus of the Alliance for Sustainable Businesses, including Foundation B Lab Suisse, the Swiss Business Federation, Ethos and around 500 companies.

Large umbrella organizations like Economiesuisse and the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts (Usam) had positioned themselves against the object, as was echoed Time last summer. In detail, the text proposed that SMEs, on a voluntary basis, undertake to include, in their statutes and strategies, social, environmental and governance themes in accordance with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

An unfavorable commission

But the Legal Affairs Commission of the National Council, which looked into this initiative, chose not to follow it up last August, considering that the introduction of a new status in the Code of Obligations raises questions, and fearing that this status will ultimately become obligatory or that this framework will create additional administrative constraints. Another point noted: the Federal Council has in any case carried out a public consultation on reporting obligations in terms of sustainability, the results of which are not yet known.

Read also: “Sustainable company”, a status which has not yet convinced parliamentarians

Faced with this position, Sophie Michaud Gigon withdrew her initiative in December, regretting the commission’s in-depth work on economic dimensions. “This initiative came precisely from companies who want official recognition of what they do and simplification for access to the European market that is ever more demanding in terms of sustainability, from which they fear being cut off.”

But the national advisor prefers not to take any risks, “in a legislature where progressive objects are often rejected”. She continues: “I would not want a possible refusal to create a bad signal, while the economic umbrella groups are beginning to be made aware, to question these questions. The debate is taking place.”

This initiative is a step, believes the one who is also awaiting the result of the Federal Council consultation, to “continue this commitment to SMEs with new avenues”.

Read also: “Sustainable company”, a status which has not yet convinced parliamentarians


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