Resignation of Mgr Dominique Rey from his office as bishop of the diocese of Fréjus-

Resignation of Mgr Dominique Rey from his office as bishop of the diocese of Fréjus-
Resignation of Mgr Dominique Rey from his office as bishop of the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon

After the fraternal visit of Cardinal Aveline, which was followed by the apostolic visit led by Mgr Hérouard and Mgr Mercier, the pope appointed, a year ago, Mgr François Touvet as coadjutor bishop at my side. He entrusted the latter with its own faculties of government, in the areas of economic and real estate management, support for the clergy, training of seminarians, and monitoring of communities within the diocese. Just after this appointment, during a private audience on December 23, 2023, the Pope encouraged me to assume this collaboration in a fraternal spirit, and not to resign.

At the end of a first year where the suspension of ordinations was lifted for almost all the candidates, the nuncio informed me that the Holy Father was asking me to lay down my office as diocesan bishop of Fréjus-, without me have been aware of any new elements compared to those which had motivated the designation of the coadjutor bishop.

Faced with misunderstandings, pressures, and controversies that are always harmful to the unity of the Church, the ultimate criterion of discernment remains for me that of obedience to the Successor of Peter.

Just as I have always strived to respond to the calls for the new evangelization of Saint John Paul II, then to the encouragement of Benedict XVI to welcome and form priestly vocations, finally to the orientations of Francis, I accepted, in in this case, to hand over the pastoral charge which had been entrusted to me in the year 2000 by John Paul II.

As I reach my 25th year of episcopate serving the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, I give thanks to God for the blessings and missionary fruits that we have borne together. Thanks to the pastoral mobilization of parishes, the contribution of movements and communities

from various spiritual sensitivities, to the diakonia of the , to the influence of religious life, our diocese has been able to offer an evangelical witness and a recognized missionary vitality. In particular, I am deeply grateful to have seen so many young people offer their lives in service to the Church. The Var Church is beautiful in its diversity and dynamic in its pastoral momentum.

I would like to warmly thank all the members of the clergy, the consecrated and the lay faithful for their faithful and generous commitment. I will continue to pray that this missionary communion unfolds in fidelity to the Gospel and love of the Church.

Having submitted my resignation to the Holy Father, I will celebrate a mass of thanksgiving on Saturday 1is February at 10:30 a.m. at the La Castille estate. You are all invited.

God bless you.

Dominic Rey
Bishop of the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon

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