“If Brussels politicians are unable to reach an agreement, this must be resolved at the federal level”

“If Brussels politicians are unable to reach an agreement, this must be resolved at the federal level”
“If Brussels politicians are unable to reach an agreement, this must be resolved at the federal level”

(He laughs). We naturally see the psychological dynamics at work in this negotiation. There are very different points of view, naturally, between the N-VA and the PS. But today it has almost become a matter of people… Brussels is a textbook case of what we should not do. The goal must be to get out of the trenches and to the negotiating table. I don’t believe in political vetoes. By definition, if you veto working with someone who isn’t of your political persuasion, you’d be better off changing jobs. What is happening in Brussels is not just the business of the people of Brussels and the inhabitants of the 19 municipalities. It’s a national affair. Because Brussels is a hub for Flemish businesses, a mobility platform, it is the heart of the country. The problem must be addressed at the national level.

So it is Bart De Wever and Georges-Louis Bouchez who must find a solution to the budgetary political crisis?

Absolutely ! Brussels residents should not be surprised that the presidents of national parties play a role in finding a way out of the crisis. If the politicians who were elected in Brussels are unable to find an agreement, because of political dogmas, this must be resolved at the national, federal level.

Brussels negotiations: why the idea of ​​a “new popular front” with the PS, the PTB and Écolo is politically “implausible”

By pleading for a takeover by the national parties, are you not pleading precisely for what the PS denounces: co-management of Brussels by Flanders and Wallonia?

I don’t want to specifically target the PS. But when one party is unable to take its responsibilities, and at the same time says that the others cannot do so, that does not hold water. We cannot allow the country’s main metropolis to fall into anarchy. The reputation and credibility of Brussels and Belgium are at stake, in a European context. The people of Brussels have always said to Flanders: ‘Brussels is our business, and Flanders must not get involved’. But Brussels is the capital of Flanders, of Belgium, and of Europe. More than 100,000 Flemish commuters come there every day. Brussels politicians must now take their responsibilities and reach an agreement! Too much is too much. The Brussels crisis is a problem of national interest, in terms of Belgium’s credibility but also its solvency.

Brussels training: contacts were continued during the confectioners’ truce and will continue to be so

What is the financial risk?

Given the Region’s debt, Standard & Poor’s could soon downgrade Brussels’ rating. The price to pay for the interest on its debt will therefore increase. This is untenable. Will companies still invest in Brussels? Where will they rather invest in Liège, Ghent, Antwerp, etc.? ? Will Brussels remain a privileged area for investment, for the headquarters of national and international companies, etc.? ? Several national and international companies tell us: ‘We no longer want to invest in Brussels’. The prosperity of Brussels is at stake. The capital is not sufficiently aware that it is playing with fire. Belgium, too, is taken hostage, because its solvency may also be called into question in this affair.



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