Aargau the “freest” canton in Switzerland, Valais in last position

Aargau the “freest” canton in Switzerland, Valais in last position
Aargau the “freest” canton in Switzerland, Valais in last position

Published on December 11, 2024 at 05:01. / Modified on December 11, 2024 at 06:18.

3 mins. reading

And the winner is: Aargau. The “freedom index” of Avenir Suisse, a liberal think tank, ranks the canton of northern Switzerland first in its 2024 edition. Valais finds itself at the back of the pack, a place which should not fail to provoke a reaction in the canton.

What criteria are used to determine this ranking published on Wednesday? Avenir Suisse takes into account the freedoms which fall under the sovereignty of the cantons. This includes assessing liberality in the areas of direct taxes, education, construction, shop opening hours and regional labor market regulation. In other words, it measures state interventionism according to economic and civil criteria using 29 indicators. “For the restriction of alcohol to under-16s, for example, there is a national legal framework,” explains Jérôme Cosandey, French-speaking director of Avenir Suisse. But some cantons go beyond this minimum and that is what we compare.”

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