Kylian Mbappé ready to face Jordan Bardella

Kylian Mbappé ready to face Jordan Bardella
Kylian Mbappé ready to face Jordan Bardella

While the Blues were fine-tuning their preparation for the last 16 of the Champions League, Kylian Mbappé had the legislative elections in mind.

Present at a press conference shortly before 8 p.m. on Sunday, on the eve of the clash of the round of 16 against Belgium, Kylian Mbappé did not only have the reunion against the Red Devils in mind. The tricolor captain impatiently awaited the results of the legislative elections. “We will wait for the results. As soon as I finish, I’m going to tune in. There is also the 7 again »he confided.

The now ex-Parisian had already raised the subject before the Blues entered the fray, sending a strong message to call on the French to vote and vote well. “We are at a crucial moment in the history of our country. The Euro has a very important place but we are citizens above all,” he said, wishing to send “A message to the younger generation”: “We can make a difference. The extremes are on the threshold of power. I call on all young people to go and vote. We need to identify with our values ​​of diversity, tolerance and respect. We may believe that one vote changes nothing, but it does. Every vote counts.”

A joint press release under study

A step up to the plate which had aroused very strong reactions, particularly within the National Rally, especially since he had added that he hoped to be able to be “still proud to wear this jersey on July 7th”The results of the first round this Sunday must have worried him and could prompt him to react in the form of a joint statement from all the players of the French team.

“There were quite a few elements that slowed down the idea. There was the fracture, my injury which threw a big damper on it, the results didn’t help either. But we’re going to have to do something, we’re going to get together with the guys.”
he added. The Blues still need to overcome the Belgian obstacle…



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