Bayrou, Philippe… faced with the RN and the left, the tenors of the macronie lean towards “case by case”

Bayrou, Philippe… faced with the RN and the left, the tenors of the macronie lean towards “case by case”
Bayrou, Philippe… faced with the RN and the left, the tenors of the macronie lean towards “case by case”

By John Timsit

42 minutes ago,

Update 4 minutes ago


In third place according to provisional results, Macron’s party is taking a hit. And is already looking ahead to the second round on July 7.

They had been preparing for it since the surprise announcement of the dissolution. While the central bloc is relegated to third position in the first round of the legislative elections with 22% of the votes, according to provisional Ifop results, the tenors of the macronie have taken note of their disappointing score. A level which would allow the presidential camp to obtain between 60 and 90 deputies during the second round. Despite this clear decline, the latter performed a difficult balancing act on Sunday evening. And they are already looking ahead to next week’s deadline, urging their troops to counter the push of the “national camp” given to 33.5%. And to block the election of rebellious deputies.

Guest of TF1, the president of MoDem François Bayrou called just after the announcement of the first results for a «alliance» in between “Democratic and Republican candidates”Without entering into hypothetical partisan negotiations, the former triple presidential candidate considered that“There are on the left and on the Republican side women and men whose values ​​are the same.” What about the position towards the New Popular Front, a banner under which rebels, socialists, communists and environmentalists are grouped? The centrist made a distinction between two lefts. “We will have to look, constituency by constituency, at the previous positions of the candidates who are running for the alliance”, he judged. And to announce: “Every time we are third, we will have to look on a case by case basis.”

“From the social democratic left to the conservative right”

A few moments later, from his town hall in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), Édouard Philippe acknowledged that “The outgoing majority will not be re-elected.” “The decision to dissolve the National Assembly put an end to the political landscape that resulted from the 2017 presidential election,” he squeaked at the President of the Republic. “Everything suggests that the polarization of public debate could lead to a head-on opposition between the extremes,” also warned the president of Horizons. Who asked the candidates of his political party, who would be in third position, to withdraw to avoid the election of the “extremes”.

If Édouard Philippe called to vote for the Macronist candidates “still in the running”the former prime minister did the same for “those who, from the social-democratic, ecological and communist left, to the liberal and conservative right, beyond real and assumed differences” are “opposed to extremes”. “No voice should be cast on the candidates of the RN, nor on those of LFI with whom we do not differ on programs but on fundamental values”he thundered again.

Elected since 2017 in the 5th constituency of Yvelines, the outgoing president of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet has somewhat toned down the rhetoric of the two pen leaders previously mentioned. “No voice for the RN! It’s the fight of my life, of our life. It does not share the principles of the rule of law that are ours”she said on TF1. Faced with the new left-wing alliance, she called on voters to vote for “the most Republican candidate”. “There are many, but they are not all on this line. In no case could I call for voting for a certain number of candidates who do not share Republican values.she timidly affirmed, without specifically targeting La France Insoumise.




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