SMILE IT’S THURSDAY! France is afraid… (By Alassane Thiam)

SMILE IT’S THURSDAY! France is afraid… (By Alassane Thiam)
SMILE IT’S THURSDAY! France is afraid… (By Alassane Thiam)

France is afraid… A fear which is often called immigration, foreigners. Since 2002 and the arrival in the second round of the presidential election of Jean-Marie Le Pen, in the country of human and citizen rights, a long period of sadness began which has led France, in each election, to advance the ideas of the extreme right. Jean Marie Lepen’s party, which he bequeathed to his daughter, wanted to modernize, demonize itself and get rid of nauseating ideas to put on a good face.

The Le Pen clan runs a small, successful family business. Indeed, Jordan Bardella, president of the RN (national gathering), lives with the niece of Marine Le Pen. Marion Maréchal Le Pen, the granddaughter of Jean Marie Le Pen, once close to Eric Zemmour, uses her surname to sell her even more extremist ideas than her aunt. Bardella, who holds a baccalaureate and has no professional qualifications, therefore has a good chance of becoming Prime Minister.

The latest projects of the President of the RN have focused on preventing dual nationals from occupying so-called sensitive positions in senior administration, knowing that his law would be unconstitutional. Is he talking about English, Italian, Belgian, American dual nationals? No, it must read implicitly, Arabs and blacks.


It is clear that immigrants occupy an important place in the functioning of the French economy. They are, like the French working classes, first-rate workers.

Let’s imagine that on July 7, after a far-right party came to power for the first time since the 1930s (a sad memory of France), that immigrants went on a week-long strike to protest against their designated enemies for twenty years… France would be broken down, because foreign workers occupy an important place in the smooth running of its economy.

You just have to leave school in Paris to see that childcare is a job reserved for women of foreign origin, particularly North African and African. These women also make up for the lack of daycare to take care of small children on a daily basis whose parents have difficulty finding childcare.

For EHPADs (Accommodation Establishments for Dependent Elderly People) which are already understaffed, the situation risks being serious, especially with the summer period which promises to be scorching.

The garbage collectors, almost all of whom are immigrants (a profession that the French do not want to pursue), will leave the streets of France in an immeasurable state of dirt.

In the security sector, it is often immigrants who occupy difficult and underpaid positions. Some companies will have great operating difficulties: hypermarkets, large luxury stores, airports, public transport, large pharmacies but also courts, and the list is not exhaustive.

Restaurants, bars, places of entertainment… are part of French culture. A change of mood among immigrants would de facto lead to the closure of many establishments.

However, the absence of political culture among immigrants does not allow them to access class struggles and legitimate demands to make their voices heard in this dangerous period of French history.

If democracy is tiring, we must not tempt the devil at the risk of one day saying: “I did not know“. One main question torments me: should we tolerate the intolerant? If so, by voting massively against those who are carrying out their diabolical, anti-democratic, dangerous and harmful program for peace in France. The only answer lies with French citizens.



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