“I never saw that, they were crazy”: this Red Devils supporter teases Belgian fans after the clash with the players

“I never saw that, they were crazy”: this Red Devils supporter teases Belgian fans after the clash with the players
“I never saw that, they were crazy”: this Red Devils supporter teases Belgian fans after the clash with the players

The Red Devils’ qualification for the round of 16 of Euro 2024 did not reassure everyone. Our national team even found itself having to deal with whistles, which made some supporters hallucinate.

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Under the bronca, Belgium qualified for the round of 16 of Euro 2024. The Red Devils did not impress against Ukraine (0-0) and will now have to face France, one of the big favorites of the Euro, but who has not completely convinced so far either. Beyond that, one scene marked the evening of the Red Devils: the altercation with Belgian supporters.

After the final whistle, the players headed towards the crowd before turning around, surprised by the boos. Present in the stands, this Belgian fan says he was very disappointed with the Belgian fans in this match. Guest on the set of Dans le Vestiaire, he did not hide his anger. “This is the first time I have had an altercation with members of the Kop. It’s a disgrace what happened today and it’s been the case for the last three games. I don’t know where these supporters come from.”regrets Jacques, who rails in particular against the whistles on opposing anthems and the throwing of cups. “On a goal kick, there were names of birds. It’s unacceptable. We are criticizing De Bruyne, but the guy is absolutely right”regrets Frite-Man, present since the start of the tournament.

According to him, more than half of the Belgian fleet made these errors. “It’s incomprehensible, I’ve never seen that”complains the Belgian fan, who does not want to see that again for the next matches, which he did not fail to tell the fans in question. “I pointed my finger and told them they were crazy. I was furious”, he tells us in the Changing Room. He explains this reaction by a phenomenon: the fear of playing France, which quite irritated a few thousand fans present in Stuttgart.

“They are afraid !”

These behaviors inevitably made our consultants react. Silvio Proto was very upset, believing that even if the fans had the right to be disappointed, such whistles make no sense. “We need to clear our heads and see where we come from too”rails the former goalkeeper, who regrets the mentality displayed in the stands. “It’s not by whistling at your players that you will win a title”he regrets.

Kevin Mirallas, for his part, qualifies all this by seeing it as legitimate anger. “We have to understand as players that there is fed up. We are going through a mouse hole,” specifies the former Red Devil, which made Silvio Proto jump. “They’re scared because we’re going to play against France, that’s quite simply it! You also play badly but you find yourself on the other side, everyone is happy. But then everyone thinks that we is cooked”says the former goalkeeper.

Marc Delire was also disappointed, calling these whistles “acts of morons”.

In the Euro 2024 Red Devils Locker Room



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