An honest gesture that pays off: a homeless person brings 2,000 euros found to the police, a kitty offers him 34,000 in return

An honest gesture that pays off: a homeless person brings 2,000 euros found to the police, a kitty offers him 34,000 in return
An honest gesture that pays off: a homeless person brings 2,000 euros found to the police, a kitty offers him 34,000 in return

In Amsterdam, a homeless man finds a wallet containing 2,000 euros in cash. Being on the street, it would seem easy for this man to keep the loot. But for Hadjer Al-Ali, honesty will conquer envy. He takes the found object to the police. The authorities, moved by this gesture, shared the situation on the social network Instagram. “Because we believe that honesty should be rewarded, he received from us a ‘silver thumb’ that we sometimes give to citizens, and a 50 euro gift card,” the police wrote. She also explains that “if the owner of the wallet does not appear within a year, the gentleman will also be the owner of the money found.”

A snowball effect

In the comments, people are getting upset. Notably Cestmocro, an Instagram account with over a million followers. He decides to open a pot to collect 2,000 euros to give to the homeless person, to thank him for his honesty. And the least we can say is that it paid off. Literally. The total donations received amounted to 34,102 euros. Amount that was paid to Hadjer.

”I would like to thank you all very much. I can’t describe what I feel at the moment, my body is full of adrenaline. I am flooded with love. People give me the most beautiful things. I am recognized everywhere,” the former homeless man explains in a video. Old, yes, because now he can rent a house thanks to the money collected. Additionally, with this visibility, the man received several job offers. Enough to start a new life.



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