Cervical cancer vaccination from 2025

Cervical cancer vaccination from 2025
Cervical cancer vaccination from 2025

Cervical cancer vaccination from 2025

Professor Khaled Rahal, head of the cancer surgery department at the Salah Azzaiez Institute, indicated that cervical cancer has recorded an increase, i.e. nearly 600 new cases per year, of which 70 pc are detected in the fourth stadium.

He stressed on Friday, during a scientific meeting organized by the National Office for Family and Population on “female cancers” that screening for colon and uterine cancer is carried out late due to the inadequacy of awareness and prevention operations.

The head of the cancer surgery department estimated that the number of women suffering from cervical cancer and breast cancer will increase due to malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking, which increase the risk factors.

For her part, assistant obstetrics gynecologist at the Ben Arous regional hospital Hajer Bettaieb affirmed that cervical cancer is the fourth among women, signaling the importance of vaccination from the age of 12 years.

“Vaccination against cervical cancer will be introduced into the vaccination schedule from 2025 with a view to reducing the attack rates,” she added.

For his part, the CEO of the National Office for Family and Population, Mohamed Douagi, stressed the importance of early detection of colon and uterine cancer, which is the most common cancer in women, specifying that the office works to strengthen the culture of equality and free care through health caravans across all governorates.



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