Evolution of the population’s standard of living in light of the results of the 2022 National Household Living Standards Survey

Evolution of the population’s standard of living in light of the results of the 2022 National Household Living Standards Survey
Evolution of the population’s standard of living in light of the results of the 2022 National Household Living Standards Survey

The 2022 National Survey on Household Living Standards (ENNVM) is part of the structural surveys carried out by the High Commission for Planning (HCP). This fourth edition, following those carried out in 1991, 1999 and 2007, was conducted nationally with a sample of 18,000 households, representing the different socio-economic strata and regions of the Kingdom. In order to take into account seasonal variations and socio-religious events influencing consumption behavior and household income, data collection was spread over a period of one year, from March 15, 2022 to March 14, 2023.

The objective of this large-scale survey is to understand socio-economic dynamics through the prism of the evolution of the level and structure of consumer spending and household income. The results obtained make it possible to analyze in detail the evolution of the standard of living, the consumption model, as well as the phenomena of poverty, vulnerability and social inequalities at the national, urban, rural and regional levels.

These results also make it possible to measure the level of access of different social categories to basic social services such as education, health, housing conditions, etc., and to update the indicators for monitoring the Development Objectives. Sustainable relating to the human dimensions and prosperity, while expanding their thematic coverage.

The consumption structures resulting from this survey will be used to establish the new base year 2022 for national accounts and to update the weightings of the basket of goods and services of the Consumer Price Index.



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