Legislative elections 2024: the left faces a new false anti-Semitism trial

Legislative elections 2024: the left faces a new false anti-Semitism trial
Legislative elections 2024: the left faces a new false anti-Semitism trial

A drama – anti-Semitic and sexist – and the instrumentalization machine coldly restarts. The rape of a 12-year-old child, insulted by “dirty Jew” according to his testimony, by two 13-year-old boys, in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine), did not provoke, in the middle of the legislative campaign, either decency or restraint on the right side of the political spectrum. With a target: the New Popular Front (NFP).

Instrumentalization against the NFP

The LR mayor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), Jean-François Copé, does not blink when he assures that this crime “explains the immense anger of French people of Jewish faith (…) to see the far left prospering on slogans, each one more vile than the last, which touches on anti-Semitism and creates this appalling dynamic which is nothing short of other than the worst anti-Semitism there is.”

Marine Le Pen (RN) does not say anything else when she mentions “the stigmatization of Jews for months by the far left through the exploitation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.

As for Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, quoting Jean-Luc Mélenchon by name, he refers the left and far right back to back: “Politicians and political parties have a responsibility to put barriers in place, to prevent a certain number of speeches from becoming commonplace. ».

Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Thursday evening at Place de la Bastille in Paris against anti-Semitism and sexual violence, following the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl on Saturday in Courbevoie. Unions, associations and parties of the New Popular Front converged. “The fight against anti-Semitism is neither a divisive factor nor an opportunity for some to disguise their hatred with virtue. She is an integral part of the feminist and anti-racist fight,” recalls Hanna Assouline, president of the Peace Warriors. “Hate is never residual but obstacles on the path to building a society based on solidarity and the triumph of sorority,” says Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Thursday evening at Place de la Bastille in Paris against anti-Semitism and sexual violence, following the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl on Saturday in Courbevoie. Unions, associations and parties of the New Popular Front converged. “The fight against anti-Semitism is neither a divisive factor nor an opportunity for some to disguise their hatred with virtue. She is an integral part of the feminist and anti-racist fight,” recalls Hanna Assouline, president of the Peace Warriors. “Hate is never residual but obstacles on the path to building a society based on solidarity and the triumph of sorority,” says Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme.

Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Thursday evening at Place de la Bastille in Paris against anti-Semitism and sexual violence, following the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl on Saturday in Courbevoie. Unions, associations and parties of the New Popular Front converged. “The fight against anti-Semitism is neither a divisive factor nor an opportunity for some to disguise their hatred with virtue. She is an integral part of the feminist and anti-racist fight,” recalls Hanna Assouline, president of the Peace Warriors. “Hate is never residual but obstacles on the path to building a society based on solidarity and the triumph of sorority,” says Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme.

“There is no structural anti-Semitism on the left”

All NFP political leaders, however, strongly condemned this violence. From the national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, denouncing “an atrocious crime which reminds us once again that anti-Semitism is corrupting our society and growing dangerously” to her environmentalist counterpart Marine Tondelier, who affirms that “anti-Semitism and violence against women are gaping wounds in our society.”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon did the same, saying to himself “horrified by this rape in Courbevoie and all that it highlights concerning the conditioning of criminal male behavior from a young age, and anti-Semitic racism”.

Nothing that can stop the Trumpization of public debate where we readily confuse defense of Palestine and anti-Semitism. To support their thesis of an alleged hatred of Jews on the left, opponents of the NFP rely on sometimes ambiguous comments from a handful of executives of France Insoumise, including Rima Hassan, describing Israel as a “nameless monstrosity”, or Jean-Luc Mélenchon when he spoke of a “residual anti-Semitism”.

Despite strong measures announced, the relentlessness continues

“Some expressions did not suit us but he is not anti-Semitic. Otherwise we would never have made this alliance,” recalls Ian Brossat, spokesperson for the PCF

“As with gender-based and sexual violence, we are not perfect but we are fighting against the unthinkable. There have sometimes been words that could have hurt but there is no structural anti-Semitism on the left, assures ecologist Sandrine Rousseau. The Jews risk nothing with the NFP in power. On the contrary, we will put in place systems to protect them because our matrix is ​​the fight against discrimination. »

It’s even written in black and white in the common program: “Racist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic acts (…) are experiencing a worrying, unprecedented explosion. There is no tolerance for these threats and behaviors wherever they come from. ».

The left notably plans “an interministerial plan to analyze, prevent and fight against anti-Semitism in France, particularly at school”. But the facts do not carry much weight in this 2024 electoral battle where the left is progressing in the polls.

At the RN, a wave of anti-Semitic candidates

“This political exploitation serves to demonize the extreme right, Martele Ian Brossat. On the other hand, in the RN, there are notorious anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. » The communist elected representative refers to Frédéric Boccaletti, outgoing and re-elected deputy, who ran a negationist bookstore in Toulon.

For two days, the party founded by the Waffen-SS has been singled out due to the choice of other candidates, such as Louis-Joseph Pecher (“Jew who speaks, mouth which lies,” said Voltaire. “)Jean-Pierre Templier (“This community leads us. How many are in government, at the head of CAC 40 companies. All over the world, they lead us. ») or Joseph Martin (“Gas brought justice to the victims of the Shoah. »).

All three had their support withdrawn from the RN. Support initially granted because it is “dozens or even hundreds of nominations made in a few hours”, justified Jordan Bardella, the leader of the party. As it turns out, all you need to do is ” a few hours “ to find genuine anti-Semites in this party.

Faced with the extreme right, don’t give up!

It is step by step, argument against argument that we must fight the extreme right. This is what we try to do every day in Humanity.

Faced with incessant attacks from racists and hate mongers: support us! Together, let’s bring another voice to this increasingly nauseating public debate.
I want to know more.



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