“unbelievable violence”, hail causes great damage in the Médoc

Many cars were damaged by hail.


Infiltration, water damage…

In front of the town hall, Place du 11-Novembre, all the trees were stripped of leaves and chopped up by the hail. all the cars parked outside are damaged: windshields in pieces, warped roofs. In the houses, infiltrations and water damage have already been reported, the owners are already on the roofs to put the tiles back in place, in anticipation of a new storm this Tuesday evening from 5 p.m.

A column of firefighters is announced at the end of the morning to make an initial inventory of the disasters, with a drone, and to cover the roofs following.

Damage in the vineyard

Concerning the vine, a very important economic sector in the Médoc, the management of the Uni-Médoc winery confirms numerous damages in plots in Gaillan, Valeyrac, Jau-et-Dignac, Queyrac and Bégadan, affected unevenly and up to More than 80% for some. However, it is too early to estimate the consequences of this hail episode on the future harvest.

Here in the very center of Naujac

Here in the very center of Naujac




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