More Android and less Linux in the future of ChromeOS

Google’s ChromeOS operating system will soon be developed based on Android to promote consistency with other company products, particularly in the field of AI. Explanations.

After 13 years, the time has come to bring some consistency to the development of ChromeOS and Android. If the Chrome OS system was originally developed from the Gentoo Linux distribution, it was only able to ensure compatibility with Linux applications much later, thanks to Debian.

Today, it is about rationalizing development. ChromeOS has, over time, moved closer to Android, even ensuring direct compatibility with applications from the Play Store. Hence the idea of ​​bringing Android devices technically closer to Chromebook computers.

Google will therefore integrate certain parts of the Android stack, such as the Linux Android kernel and Android frameworks, into the foundations of ChromeOS. If the work will take time, the unification of the Bluetooth stacks will already be a reality from ChromeOS 122. ChromeOS will thus benefit (rational choice) no longer from BlueZ, but from Fluoride (the Bluetooth layer of Android) to guarantee the same features as those available on smartphones and tablets.

Another objective is to help different devices such as phones and accessories work better with Chromebooks, but also with the new elements of artificial intelligence that Google intends to infuse almost everywhere in our daily lives.

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