Experts in favor of controlled distribution of cocaine

Experts in favor of controlled distribution of cocaine
Experts in favor of controlled distribution of cocaine

The Confederation must provide cocaine to the most addicted people to cope with the increase in the consumption of cocaine and crack, a highly addictive derivative of coke. It is the Federal Commission for Issues Related to Addiction and the Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases (CFANT) which is launching this urgent appeal and thus defying a taboo, reveals the “NZZ am Sonntag”. According to Christian Schneider, vice-president of the organization, “the sooner possible the better, because we are moving towards a crisis.” According to wastewater monitoring, carried out in ten Swiss cities in 2023 (read box), cocaine residues have increased by a third compared to 2021.

The targeted distribution of cocaine to drug addicts would be a world first. And, according to the Zurich newspaper, CFANT’s call seems to have been heard by the cities, which are already studying behind the scenes how to set up such a system. Their specialists’ mission is to think about pilot tests for a broader regularization of cocaine and which also allow “recreational” users to obtain cocaine legally. In addition to the controlled distribution of the drug, the CFANT recommends known measures: consumption rooms, emergency accommodation or medical assistance.

But the political opposition is already making itself known: “The State must protect the population against drugs, and not offer them,” says national councilor Mauro Tuena (UDC/ZH). Critical voices are also being raised among specialists, including Boris Quednow, addiction researcher at the University of Zurich. He recently declared in the “NZZ» that the urge to use and the health risks of cocaine are much greater than with heroin. It is therefore opposed to distribution. Response from Christian Schneider of CFANT: “A controlled release to drug addicts cannot aim to avoid harm, but only to reduce it. If dependent people thus obtain calm, support and security, that is already something won.”

Lausanne, “crack capital” in 2023

For the first time, the Confederation’s 2023 wastewater monitoring also covered the quantity of crack found in the wastewater of each of the ten monitored cities. Observation: it is in Lausanne that people consume the most crack, followed by Chur, Schwyz and Zurich. Crack is particularly worrying because of its enormous addictive potential, which drives many addicted people into misery.

Total cocaine consumption remains an estimate, but the drug has never been more ubiquitous, cheap and pure. A French-speaking study estimated it in 2018 at 5,000 kilos per year. Today it should be significantly higher. According to experts, a quarter of this cocaine is now consumed in the form of crack, which is reflected in national statistics on help for drug addicts: in the last reference year 2022, more than four times as many people were treated for crack addiction only seven years ago.



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