Françoise Hardy: This very symbolic place where her son Thomas Dutronc will scatter his ashes

Françoise Hardy: This very symbolic place where her son Thomas Dutronc will scatter his ashes
Françoise Hardy: This very symbolic place where her son Thomas Dutronc will scatter his ashes

On June 11, 2024, Françoise Hardy breathed her last. The singer’s funeral is organized June 20 from 3 p.m. in the Coupole room of the Père-Lachaise cemetery crematorium in Paris as revealed by the two men in her life, Jacques Dutronc and their son Thomas. The latter also paid tribute to his mother last week during a concert given in Switzerland, indicating that she was “gone to other skies“.

According to our colleagues at Paris Matchthe singer who died at 80 wanted to be “cremated in privacy and without religious ceremony“. According to information from La Tribune Sunday, the ashes of the singer of the title the time of love will be dispersed at Monticello, in Corsicawhere she owned a house.

The one who released her first album All the boys and girls, in November 1962, had acquired land on the Isle of Beauty in 1966 in order to build a house. This is where the ashes of the singer who suffered from cancer for several years will be scattered.

The will of Françoise Hardy

Concerning her succession, she had indicated to Gala in July 2021: “I wrote my will a few years ago. I hope to leave Thomas with enough to pay the exorbitant inheritance fees that will be demanded of him, as well as the costs of a studio and an apartment where very close friends live. will cost. I am forced to live in the present. Thinking that sooner or later I will have to leave the people I love most in the world, imagining their pain, it makes me cry.“.

Moved, she also recalled how Thomas was “a wonderful son“, who doesn’t have “never had any problem“. It was he who announced the death of his mother with a short message filled with sadness: “Mom left….”

