the left parties reached an agreement for the “New Popular Front”

the left parties reached an agreement for the “New Popular Front”
the left parties reached an agreement for the “New Popular Front”

The left-wing parties announced this Thursday, June 13 at 8 p.m. that they had reached an agreement to form the “New Popular Front”.

White smoke on the left. The Ecologists, the Socialist Party, La France insoumise and the French Communist Party in particular announced this Thursday, June 13, that they had reached an agreement for the creation of a “New Popular Front” with a view to the legislative elections, four days after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly.

In a joint declaration, the formations of the “New Popular Front” announced that the union on the left “is sealed”.

“Get up and join the new Popular Front. Hope is there!”, we can read at the conclusion of this press release.

Legislative: what our first survey reveals – 13/06

In their message, the left-wing candidates say they have drawn up a program “for the first 100 days of the mandate”, based on “concrete and realistic proposals”, without listing any at this stage.

“Launched, like a bottle in the sea, in the storm, Sunday evening, the Popular Front was sealed in 4 days. Bravo to the parties, to their leadership, to the activists, to the people for this victory”, congratulated on X François Ruffin.

“A page in the History of France”

“We have succeeded. A page in the History of France is being written with this Popular Front,” wrote Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the Socialist Party.

In a message, Jean-Luc Mélenchon welcomed “a considerable political event in France”.

This agreement was reached in four days after some blockages, mainly on the distribution of constituencies, where the candidates of one party or the other will be presented, without opposition within this group. The various left-wing parties had to come to an agreement quickly, with only three days remaining before the end of the submission of applications for the first round, set for June 30.



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