Seeking AI capabilities, Apple spoke with rival Facebook

Seeking AI capabilities, Apple spoke with rival Facebook
Seeking AI capabilities, Apple spoke with rival Facebook

With Apple Intelligence, the Apple group wants to boost the capabilities of the Siri assistant, a twelve-year-old feature, on cell phones using generative artificial intelligence.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and rival of Apple, has reportedly discussed with the iPhone maker to provide it with its generative artificial intelligence (AI) system, reveals the Wall Street Journal Sunday. Apple, which appears to be late in integrating generative AI into its devices, has just turned to OpenAI (ChatGPT language), to equip its future iPhone, iPad and Mac with a generative AI interface. This system, called Apple Intelligence, will boost the capabilities of the Siri assistant, a twelve-year-old feature, on cell phones.

According to the newspaper, which cites sources close to the matter, Facebook has had discussions with Apple about integrating its own generative AI model into Apple Intelligence. Just like Facebook, other companies that develop generative AI like Anthropic or Perplexity are eager to be able to associate with the ecosystem of a leader like Apple.

Read alsoApple suspends the launch of its Apple Intelligence AI in Europe

Craig Federighi, vice president of software design at Apple, indicated in early June that the Apple group also wanted to integrate capabilities of Google’s generative AI system, called Gemini, into its devices. According to Canalys, 16% of smartphones delivered this year will be equipped with generative AI features, a proportion that it expects to rise to 54% in 2028.



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