Guillaume Bigot, columnist on CNews, parachuted by the RN into Belfort

Guillaume Bigot, columnist on CNews, parachuted by the RN into Belfort
Guillaume Bigot, columnist on CNews, parachuted by the RN into Belfort
Capture CNews Guillaume Bigot, on the CNews set.

Capture CNews

Guillaume Bigot, on the CNews set.

POLITICS – Guillaume Bigot was born in Paris. He studied in Paris. Just like his professional career. However, this regular on the CNews set is announced more than 400 kilometers from the capital, in Belfort, where the National Rally parachuted him for the 2024 legislative elections. This is what the local head of the RN, Christophe, announces Soustelle, who had nevertheless been invested by the Lepéniste party in 2022.

I’m not offended, it even makes me happy and we support it. Guillaume Bigot will bring intellectual depth to the RN in our territory », Explains the RN departmental delegate in the Territoire de Belfort, cited by France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. A proper parachute drop that Christophe Soustelle does not consider as an obstacle: “ the problems of the 2ᵉ of the Territoire de Belfort are close to national issues, which Guillaume knows by heart. There is no doubt that he will be able to adapt and be accepted by us.”

Sexist comments

Until now, Guillaume Bigot, who started politics through Chevènementism, is best known for his outbursts on CNews, a channel on which he was able to commit off-road incidents. As when he described the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau in 2021 as “ Greta Thunberg menopausal “. Sexist remarks which caused an outcry even in the government. “ This “political scientist” called me an expert in “wet T-shirt competition” in June without it moving anyone », Marlène Schiappa, for example, reacted.

Guillaume Bigot ended up apologizing half-heartedly on Twitter, evoking “an allusion (which) lacked elegance”. The person concerned, who contributes to Michel Onfray’s Europhobic review Popular Front (no link with the agreement currently being worked on on the left), had also been talked about for its approximations during the pandemic. The Monaco government even publicly reprimanded the columnist, when he claimed (wrongly) that restaurants had remained open in February 2021 on the Rock. In the 2nd constituency of Belfort, which placed Jordan Bardella well in the lead in the European elections (35.25%), Guillaume Bigot will face him the outgoing LFI deputy Florian Chauche.

This CNews candidacy is a new sign of the influence gained by Vincent Bolloré in these legislative elections. According to The worlde, Éric Ciotti made the decision to seal an agreement with the National Rally in concert with the Breton billionaire.

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