The Calculator finally arrives on the iPad with a nice extra feature

Presented at WWDC 2024, iPadOS 18 does not only bring Apple Intelligence and customization options. The Calculator app for iPad is finally here, with additional features!

The Calculator application on iPad // Source: Montage Frandroid

Apple organized WWDC 2024 this Monday, June 10, its conference dedicated to developers to present the new versions of its operating systems. The company announced iPadOS 18 – the iPad counterpart to iOS 18 – with a revised interface and animations, but also and above all Apple Intelligence, its set of generative artificial intelligence functions. Besides that, the Calculator is making its grand arrival on the iPad.

A Calculator application finally available on the iPad

It had become a technophile joke: the calculator on the iPad would never happen. In fact, the explanation was quite simple, but no less absurd: Apple could not come up with a satisfactory calculator design (along the lines of that available on iOS and macOS) that could be ported to a full-screen tablet. Nothing revolutionary here: the application looks a lot like the one found on iPhones.

There is the basic calculator, but also the scientific calculator, with additional functions. The Calculator also offers a history of calculations carried out to find them later. Finally, the application allows you to convert units: lengths, weights, currencies, etc.

Math Notes: Apple wants to go further in calculations

Math Notes is a feature that allows you to write mathematical expressions by hand (why not with the Apple Pencil). So, the calculations are carried out before our eyes: enough to create diagrams with lots of measurements.

Math Notes in Calculator on iPadOS 18 // Source: Apple

In addition, Math Notes is available in the Notes application, to avoid getting lost between the calculator and your notes. The little extra is that for the results, Apple copies your own writing. Furthermore, users can also assign values ​​to variables when learning new concepts at school and more », Specifies the brand in its press release.



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