The campaign for the legislative elections is already accelerating in France

The campaign for the legislative elections is already accelerating in France
The campaign for the legislative elections is already accelerating in France


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June 11, 2024 – 01:46

(Keystone-ATS) The day after the thunderclap of the dissolution of the national assembly, the maneuvers began on Monday in France. The left called for a “popular front” with joint candidates in each constituency. The RN is seeking to broaden its base.

French President Emmanuel Macron will enter the campaign on Tuesday, holding a press conference in the afternoon.

The political class spent Monday in meetings and other secret or highly publicized meetings, after the historic victory of the far right in the European elections on Sunday and the resounding dissolution of the national assembly by the head of state .

France is now plunged into a zone of turbulence, unfolding “an extraordinarily uncertain scenario” in the words of Brice Teinturier, Deputy Managing Director of Ipsos. Three weeks of blitzkrieg campaign open before the first round of legislative elections on June 30 then the second on July 7, on the eve of the Paris Olympic Games (July 26 – August 11).

Submission of applications

Applications must be submitted between Wednesday June 12 and Sunday June 16 at 6:00 p.m., according to the decree published Monday in the Official Journal. The electoral campaign for the first round will begin on Monday June 17.

This is a gamble for Emmanuel Macron, because the sanction vote has just reached records. Led by Jordan Bardella, the National Rally list triumphed in the European elections with 31.37% of the votes, far ahead of the Macronist candidate Valérie Hayer (14.6%) and the head of the PS list Raphaël Glucksmann (13.83% ).

Marine Le Pen reaffirmed that Jordan Bardella was destined to become prime minister in the event of a victory for the RN on July 7. She recalled the sharing of roles within the party: it’s up to her to run for the presidency, it’s up to him to target Matignon.

The young president of the party posed as a unifier on Monday by receiving Marion Maréchal at the RN headquarters under the eye of a swarm of cameras. Ms. Maréchal, head of the Reconquest list freshly elected in Brussels (5.74%), expressed her “ardent wish” for an agreement with the RN with a view to the legislative elections, at the end of an hour-long interview in which her aunt Marine Le Pen participated.

Bardella courts the LR

Above all, Mr. Bardella, recognizing that it was “difficult to win alone,” “reached out” to the Republicans. He claimed to have had “discussions” with some of their executives. The RN is ready not to present candidates against LR “to bring people together”, added Marine Le Pen on TF1 television. A way of sowing even more confusion among LRs more than ever in search of a guideline, after a new dull score on Sunday (7.25%).

On the left, the PS, EELV, the PCF and LFI called on Monday evening “for the creation of a new popular front”. They indicated that they wanted to “support single candidates from the first round” of the legislative elections.

All these parties met at the beginning of the afternoon at the Paris headquarters of the Ecologists before leaving around 10:30 p.m. They also called to “join the processions” planned this weekend at the call of the CFDT, the CGT, the UNSA, the FSU and Solidaires and to “demonstrate widely”.

“Brutality” of political life

Earlier, Raphaël Glucksmann had repeated his line of firmness against the rebellious France of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Above all, he proposed that in the event of a victory for the left, the name of the former general secretary of the CFDT Laurent Berger would be proposed for the post of prime minister, an idea which has not yet been taken up. by other left-wing parties.

The socialists, who intend to push their advantage born from Raphaël Glucksmann’s good score in the European elections ahead of LFI (9.89%), had already participated in a first meeting in the morning with EELV, the PCF, unions and members of society civil.

The head of the socialist list displayed his “rejection of the brutality of political life, insults, “fake news”, slander”, in a clear allusion to the strategy of conflictuality of the political debate chosen by the leader of the rebels. .

In 2022, PS, LFI, PCF and Ecologists had achieved a feat by bringing in 151 deputies thanks to the Nupes alliance, which imploded last fall.

According to a very first Harris Interactive – Toluna poll, published Monday, the RN would obtain 34% of voting intentions in the first round, compared to 22% for the left if it is united and 19% for the Macronists.



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