The Engagés will remain in the opposition, here is who Nicolas Martin will partner with for this new mandate

If at the start, the PS-PTB-Ecolo coalition took shape naturally, the cards were reshuffled at the start of the week following the declarations of the head of the Engagés list, Pascale Grandjean. The one who initially didn’t want to work with the ecologists had changed her mind. Several meetings were then held between the PS and the other parties, except Mons en Mieux, a party with which Nicolas Martin (PS) does not want to work.

The Committed will not a priori be included in the majority in Mons: “I am completely pessimistic”

The Engaged in Opposition

But ultimately, the idea of ​​a PS-Engagés-Ecolo coalition will not last long. After discussions with party leader Maxime Prévot, Pascale Grandjean officially announced this Thursday morning that the ex-cdH will sit in opposition for the next mandate. “I sent a letter to Nicolas Martin this Wednesday evening to sit in the opposition for different reasons,” she explains.

This Tuesday, PS, Committed and Ecolo met. At the end of the meeting, the leader was pessimistic: “For me, the Mayor’s List and Ecolo talked so much about their agreements with the PTB during our discussions that I don’t see what more we can bring », she explained to us. According to Pascale Grandjean, PS and Écolo had issued, during this meeting, requests regarding “political commitments on the part of our party. The Mayor’s List and Ecolo asked me for guarantees from Walloon Ministers Committed to budget agreements, but I cannot comment on that. The new Walloon majority MR and Engagés actually want to change what was happening before, when there was no prioritization of projects. » For Montoise, these requests are practices from another time.

Pascale Grandjean is up for the tripartite.Pascale Grandjean is up for the tripartite.

PS, Ecolo and Engagés met in Mons this Tuesday: here is behind the scenes of what was said

Majority pact

In any case, the majority pact must be officially returned this Friday at the latest. Concretely, we are therefore moving towards a PS – Ecolo – PTB coalition to have a slightly more comfortable majority. PS and Écolo must vote internally this Thursday evening.




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