Near-death experience: Dead for eleven minutes, she saw ‘angels’, ‘her heavenly father’ and ‘hell’

Near-death experience: Dead for eleven minutes, she saw ‘angels’, ‘her heavenly father’ and ‘hell’
Near-death experience: Dead for eleven minutes, she saw ‘angels’, ‘her heavenly father’ and ‘hell’

Charlotte Holmes lay dead for eleven minutes before doctors brought her back to life. The American said she met God, who showed her heaven, but also hell.

Charlotte Holmes had a near-death experience in 2019 and shared how she met God.

Screenshot :
Youtube/The 700 Club

September 2019 in Wichita, Kansas. Charlotte Holmes is admitted to the hospital in the nearby town of Springfield because of her high blood pressure: 234 out of 134 is definitely too high. Years before, she had already suffered a stroke. The matter is serious.

Holmes had already been in the hospital for three days when she collapsed in bed during treatment. She is no longer breathing, a nurse announces to her loved ones. For eleven minutes she remains inanimate, but later she will tell what happened to her during this time.

“I was in over my body,” Holmes tells the Christian Broadcasting Network. “I could see how they did the cardiac massage. I could see all the staff. I could see [mon mari] Danny standing in the corner. She wasn’t afraid. “I was amazed to see that.”

But then she would have given up on reality. “I could smell the most beautiful flowers.” Such flowers do not exist on earth, she added. “And then I heard music. When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven. There, she would have seen the door to heaven: “Yes, it is made of gold”.

“There is no fear when you come home”

What does the sky look like? “I saw the beauty around me. I could see the trees, I could see the grass. And everything vibrated to the sound of the music. For everything in heaven worships God. However, it could not convey the exact nature of the sky. “It’s so much beyond what we can imagine.”

She says she was accompanied to heaven: “It was pure joy when the angels took over. There is no fear when you come home. Then she says she met deceased relatives. “I saw my mother. I saw my father. I saw my sister. I saw family members who were behind.”

Relatives and friends were apparently in good spirits: “They didn’t look old. They didn’t look sick. None of them wore glasses. They looked like they were around thirty years old. They looked wonderful. And behind her family, she said she spotted a bright light that she knew was “her heavenly father.”

Holmes meets the child she lost in miscarriage

She was disturbed by the sight of a little boy she didn’t know. “I heard my heavenly father say to me, ‘It’s your child’.” Holmes says she once lost an unborn boy after five and a half months of pregnancy.

“When I saw the child, I asked, ‘God, how is this possible?’ He replied: ‘They continue to grow in heaven, but there is no time. It’s eternity.”

But God also showed him hell, Holmes said. “I looked down. This smell. Rotten flesh, that’s what it smelled like. The screams. After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast with hell was almost unbearable. And [Dieu] said: I’m showing you this to tell you that if some people don’t change, it’s there [l’endroit] where they will stay.

“Heaven is more than you can imagine”

God also reportedly told her that Charlotte still had time and that she should share what she saw with others. And now her near-death experience ends: “I felt like I was being pulled back into my body. I felt pain where I hadn’t felt it before. I felt the worry.”

After two weeks, Holmes can be released from the hospital. She talks about her experience to anyone who will listen. “People need hope,” says the Christian. “They want to know that everything will work out.” And added: “Heaven is more than you can imagine. Heaven is real.

Holmes said in one of the interviews that God told her that she did not have much time for her mission to tell people about her experiences. She would have had the choice between staying or returning to reality. However, she would still have liked to see her grandchildren get married.

Charlotte Holmes died in November 2023

In December 2019, Holmes told his story to the “Ozark County Times”: the interest was such that the media’s servers broke down. With her husband Danny, she made further media appearances and spoke at protests over the following years. But her family is worried about Charlotte: her health is still not in good shape.

On November 28, 2023, she was sitting in front of the television with her husband when her heart suddenly seized. She no longer reacts – and dies. Charlotte Holmes was then 72 years old. His daughter Chrystal Meek made his death public on Facebook. The family has received many messages of condolences.

Holmes’ story cannot of course be verified. Near-death experiences occur in all cultures and are not that unusual. A Belgian study looked at 126 possible cases in intensive care units: 19 patients, or 15%, reported near-death experiences similar to Holmes’s.

“Aware of being dead”: what science says

The origin of these experiments is the subject of lively debate. Explanations range from psychological causes to physiological theories. Are these experiences an emotional reaction to impending death? Are endorphins or neurotransmitters in the brain causing these experiences? Is there a transcendental trigger?

The question remains a subject of research. In a study, the Dutchman Pim van Lommel and his colleagues list ten factors of a near-death experience: patients are aware of being dead. They feel positive emotions and escape from their body. They move through a tunnel and communicate with light.

They observe colors and a supernatural landscape. They meet dead people. They look back on their lives. And they feel a boundary. Other scientists add other points such as a sudden understanding and strengthening of the senses, harmony with the universe, but also an understanding of the past or the future.



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