Love, scandals and thrones: when royal weddings defy tradition

The royal wedding is always an event. But behind the glitter and pomp, certain unions have shaken monarchies. Between secrets, divorces and controversial loves, here are some stories that have marked the history of thrones in Europe.

In August 1935, Belgium mourned the tragic death of Queen Astrid, wife of King Leopold III. The young sovereign leaves behind three children and a country in turmoil. Leopold quickly became the image of the inconsolable widower, adored by his subjects.

Belgium in shock: the second union of Leopold III

But this image crumbles a few years later, when the king has an encounter that will change everything. Lilian Baels, daughter of Governor Henri Baels, crosses paths with Léopold at Laeken Castle. “She didn’t look like Astrid, but there were physical similarities”underlines Thomas de Bergeyck, journalist at RTL Info. Léopold falls under her spell and marries her in secret, in the middle of the Second World War. A marriage that does not happen.

The Belgians, deeply attached to the memory of Astrid, will never forgive this silent remarriage. “It was the straw that broke the camel’s back”explains De Bergeyck. And for Lilian, who became a princess, the reputation of “icon thief” would follow her all her life. This marriage, mixed with other controversies, led Leopold III to abdicate in 1950.

Edward VIII: love before the throne

Another king, another scandal. In 1936, Edward VIII, newly crowned King of England, fell in love with Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American. This thunderbolt made the British court shudder and scandalized the government. “He’s crazy about Wallis Simpson”says Pierre De Vuyst of “Soir Mag”, despite the young woman’s sulphurous reputation.

As pressure mounts, Édouard makes a radical decision: he abdicates. “If Edward had not abdicated, the history of the British monarchy would be completely different”specifies De Vuyst. His younger brother, Albert, then ascended the throne as George VI, ensuring the lineage that would lead to Queen Elizabeth II.

From reality to the Swedish crown

Sweden has not escaped controversial love affairs. In 2008, Prince Carl Philip, one of the country’s most coveted bachelors, fell under the spell of Sofia Hellqvist, former Miss and reality TV star. A love that makes people talk. “Above all, she’s a very pretty woman with a dream figure”recalls de Bergeyck. But Sofia’s past as a reality TV celebrity doesn’t jive with the palace’s image.

However, through a discreet makeover and humanitarian commitment, Sofia eventually wins the approval of the palace and the people. “She never did any harm, but she made people talk about her”adds the journalist, evoking a journey of redemption in the eyes of the Swedes.

Letizia of Spain: the commoner who conquered a prince

In Spain, the marriage of Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz in 2004 also caused a stir. The daughter of a taxi driver and a nurse, Letizia was already well known as a star presenter on TVE. But it is not her media success that is disturbing, it is her status as a commoner and divorcee.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, fervent Catholics, take a dim view of this union. Despite everything, Felipe perseveres. “Felipe asked the family of Letizia’s ex-husband to erase all traces of their previous marriage”reveals Thomas de Bergeyck. Twenty years later, despite rumors, Felipe and Letizia form a united couple, strengthening their popularity among Spaniards.

Catch the show “Place Royale” this Saturday at 7:50 p.m. on RTL tvi and streaming on RTL play.

Place Royale



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