Grand premiere of the show “Le parloir”: who killed Valérie Dalpé and Mark Cummings?

Victoria Charlton and Félix Séguin invite fans of criminal stories to their new meeting, The parlora hybrid format from the TÉMOIN channel combining talk show, magazine and criminal documentary. In the first episode, Luc Dionne is passing through the set and we are interested in the unsolved murders of Valérie Dalpé and Mark Cummings.

Every week, starting Thursday, October 10, the two hosts, flanked by a panel of experts and various guests, will look at unsolved murders, unexplained disappearances and unforgettable criminal stories.

Around the large round table in the “Parloir”, we find collaborators Claude Poirier and Annie-Soleil Proteau, co-hosts Félix Séguin and Victoria Charlton as well as collaborator Karine Perron.


Around their large round table, in a cozy and very cinematic setting, Victoria Charlton and Félix Séguin welcome for the grand premiere the successful author Luc Dionne, who signed the series Silence, District 31, Dumas and now The callwhich is in the middle of filming these days with, as a backdrop, the two trials of Maurice “Mom” Boucher for the murder of prison guards Diane Lavigne and Pierre Rondeau.

Author Luc Dionne, who is the featured guest in the first episode of “Parloir”, here alongside collaborator Annie-Soleil Proteau.


The collaborators of the Parlor are the archivist ofHello Police Karine Perron, legal columnist Claude Poirier and host Annie-Soleil Proteau, who will offer “Access prohibited” segments with different criminals. Their mandate is to spark discussions and sometimes engage in “rants”, all in order to help unblock closed criminal files.

In the first episode, former legal affairs journalist André Cédilot also shares his expertise with the team, as well as with ex-investigators and victims’ relatives who want to (re)shin the spotlight on tragedies that have changed their lives.

Félix Séguin with the collaborator of the show “Le parloir”, Claude “10-4” Poirier.


A first major file: Valérie Dalpé

Thursday, it is also a question of the unsolved murder of Valérie Dalpé which occurred in October 1989. The 13-year-old girl was strangled and dismembered, then her remains were miraculously found by a mechanical ram operator from the Miron quarry, in Montreal. The testimonies of a childhood friend of the victim and of Linda, Valérie Dalpé’s sister, are touching and show how, 35 years later, the pain is still as strong. A butcher could be involved.

Victoria Charlton is also interested, by going into the field, in the unexplained murder of Mark Cummings, which occurred in 2007, in Alleyn-et-Cawood, in Outaouais. The main suspect, who was renamed “Steve” for the report, is well known to the police, but without a new witness we cannot arrest him again. Francis Cummings, the son of the man shot to death at the age of 52 in a possible drug case, shares his thoughts on the case, along with Mark Cummings’ sister, Ann Carisse. All employees then discuss this file.

Produced by Romeo, in collaboration with Quebecor Content, the show The parlor has 10 episodes of 60 minutes each. Mathieu Baer is the director and Michel Johnson, the content producer.

Remember that Félix Séguin, who is a journalist at the Bureau of Investigation of the Journal and TVA Nouvelles, hosts the show every week J.Ewhich is broadcast on Fridays, at 8 p.m., on TVA. He also presented the series Criminal family with Annie-Soleil Proteau.

As for Victoria Charlton, who we know as a YouTuber and host of the series Evaporated: Victoria Charlton investigateswe will soon see her in the three episodes of the series Road trip fatal on the illico+ platform, which from October 23 will combine content from Club illico and Vrai.



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