Police in the streets, on motorbikes, in helicopters… What happened this Thursday evening in Mouscron?

This was a large-scale control action targeting cross-border crime.

Near Stop & Shop, the tobacco store going up from Flanders towards Mouscron. ©EDA

From La Panne to Tournai, checkpoints have in fact been set up on both sides of the border. This FIPA (Full Integrated Police Action) action was organized by the coordination and support directorates of the federal police of West Flanders and Hainaut, in collaboration with the French police services.

Around ten local police zones and several federal police units took part, as well as other partners such as the foreigners office and customs.

Target all traffic

As the police are confronted with different types of cross-border crime between and Belgium, these controls have focused on various phenomena: bands of itinerant thieves, drug and arms trafficking, human trafficking, etc. National borders constitute a obstacle to police work, from which criminal organizations do not fail to take advantage.

Commissioner Sébastien Desimpel, responsible for the Mouscron system, here with the mayor who went to the scene and the spokesperson for the federal police, Régis Kalut, who came exceptionally to Mouscron since the meeting was itself exceptional by this first coordination of the federal police mobilized a total of no less than 250 police officers yesterday evening and tonight. ©EDA

By organizing this cross-border, multidisciplinary and integrated control action, the police once again intended to send a clear message: the border cannot constitute a refuge zone for criminals.

A phenomenon that the Mouscron police unfortunately know only too well and who are therefore fully involved in the system, as on many occasions already.

“There are 14 of us from the Mouscron police force. We are supported by the police, as Schengen allows, and with whom we already collaborate a lot throughout the year.

This has the advantage that everyone can benefit from the other’s database in the event of an inspection and we have mixed Franco-Belgian teams to facilitate exchanges on the ground because we do not have the same radio frequency.

The municipal police of Neuville-en-Ferrain also support us but while remaining on their own territory”indicates Commissioner Sébastien Desimpel of the Hurlu police station who was there both as head of the Mouscronnois system but who is also the local referent for cross-border cooperation, i.e. the privileged contact for the exchange of information but also of coordination and of support, the Mouscron police officers being of valuable support during the -, the Rugby World Cup, the clearance sale and these last Olympic Games.

“This evening, we can count on dogs for narcotics and trackers aimed at finding people who are hiding. We also have the help of bikers making it easier to catch fugitives.”

police control France Mouscron
A vehicle check by French and Hurlin police officers at the top of Rue de Menin. ©EDA

An escape powder competition…

And we’ve seen some escapees! It was not yet 9 p.m. when traffic was still heavy at the junction of the Ghent and Lille roads.

Caught between slowing cars and the police, several vehicles tried to flee.

Notably before our eyes with a driver who took all the risks by going up the rue de Menin and who climbed on the sidewalk to be able to disappear towards the Chaussée de Gand. The responsiveness of the men made it possible to quickly stop him, handcuff him and evacuate his vehicle on a tow truck.

Mouscron police arrest
We had barely arrived to report on the device in front of the Delbar garage when an individual was handcuffed and taken away, after taking risks by climbing on the sidewalk to escape the police… ©EDA

Some rushed onto the Expressway, others hid in bushes… With the support of bikers, the dog squad and the federal police helicopter, they never got far…

An aerial vehicle which was also supporting another device deployed on the Flanders side, near the LAR roundabout at the end of the Express route.

Control police customs LAR rack
A device was also deployed at the end of the Express road, on the Flanders side, just before climbing onto the Lille-Ghent motorway. ©EDA

The first results, with a crash in Celles

From an overall point of view, Jana Verdegem, press officer of the federal police, told us this Friday morning that

  • 16 legal reports were drawn up, among others for possession of drugs and possession of prohibited weapons.
  • 1 person was judicially arrested because he was reported for a detention order.
  • In total, 22 administrative arrests of transmigrants took place, both in France and in Belgium. A group of 8 transmigrants was arrested in Veurne, near the E40 junction. These people were made available to the Immigration Office – which was present on the scene – for further follow-up.
  • 72 reports were drawn up for traffic offenses, including 13 for driving under the influence of alcohol and 7 for driving under the influence of drugs.
  • The driver of a vehicle attempted to escape control and fled. The pursuit was initiated and the fleeing vehicle crashed in Pottes, around fifteen kilometers from the French border. The occupants fled and are still being sought. The investigation continues. The Val de l’Escaut police zone provides us with more details on this subject. “The vehicle did not cause any damage during the chase. The occupant chased by a mixed patrol (Franco-Belgian) fled on foot. The search lasted approximately 1h30, with the “With the help of a helicopter, between the cornfields, gardens, etc., we have not managed to apprehend him. The identification and investigation are continuing.”confirms commissioner Tom Deldaele.

We will not fail to communicate the results to you later with regard specifically to the Mouscrown territory.



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