The UN expresses new expectations of the authorities… – Africa Guinee

The UN expresses new expectations of the authorities… – Africa Guinee
The UN expresses new expectations of the authorities… – Africa Guinee

CONAKARY- The United Nations (UN) has expressed new expectations of the Guinean authorities, after the verdict in the trial of the atrocities committed at the September 28 stadium in 2009.

On the occasion of the 15thth commemorating this heinous massacre, Ms. Pramila Patten, head of the “sexual violence in conflicts” department and deputy secretary general of the United Nations, challenged the Guinean authorities on a sensitive subject which still remains unanswered: the question of reparations promised to victims .

Although an essential step has been taken with the conviction of certain accused, but for the UN diplomat, there are still things to do. This is about reparations for victims.

“We did not wait for the court judgment to talk about it. We had already sensitized the Guinean State to tell it that whatever the outcome, the State is responsible in a certain way for what happened for the simple reason that the offenses perpetrated were carried out by the mechanisms or state services at the level of defense and security forces”, said Amadou Ball, principal legal adviser to the United Nations, on behalf of the head of the sexual violence in conflict department.

Pramila Patten, Head of the Sexual Violence in Conflict Department and Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

Pramila Patten was in Conakry when the trial started in September 2022. She observes that the compensation fund had a budgetary entry, therefore, a promise made to the victims of September 28.

Mrs. Pramila Patten congratulates the victims. Yesterday, they were just victims. Today, they are heroines. They left an indelible mark on the weight of endurance during nearly a decade of undescribed suffering. But they reached the end of their race. Ms. Pramila Patten assures that for the stages to come, in particular for the reparation, we are still standing to do what is necessary, when it is necessary, so that the victims can really feel that there has been a complete reparation of the harm suffered”, said Mr. Ball.

Dance Camera DC


Created on September 29, 2024 8:20 p.m.



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