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New York: Trump wants to negotiate with Putin for Zelensky

New York: Trump wants to negotiate with Putin for Zelensky
New York: Trump wants to negotiate with Putin for Zelensky

Trump claims he can negotiate with Putin in front of Zelensky

The former tenant of the White House assured the Ukrainian president at Trump Tower this Friday that he could find a rapid solution to the conflict.

Published today at 4:53 p.m.

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Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky began a delicate meeting in New York on Friday, given the Republican candidate’s repeated criticism of massive American aid to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president arrived early in the morning at one of the billionaire’s New York properties, the Trump Tower.

He collected a new aid package from Joe Biden and the support of Kamala Harris on Thursday in Washington. Volodymyr Zelensky is, however, legitimately worried about American aid in the event of Donald Trump’s victory in the November 5 election, which promises to be very close.

The former president and Republican candidate for the White House assured Thursday that he did not want a “capitulation” of Ukraine, as his Democratic rival Kamala Harris had accused him of. “I think I will be able to quickly conclude an agreement between President Putin and President Zelensky,” Donald Trump also said.

Donald Trump pledged Friday to “resolve” the war in Ukraine after his very delicate meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“This war should never have taken place, but we will resolve it,” assured the Republican candidate in New York.


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