Mazan rape trial: who are the seven accused appearing this week?

Mazan rape trial: who are the seven accused appearing this week?
Mazan rape trial: who are the seven accused appearing this week?

The fifth week of hearing begins this Monday, September 30 at Mazan rape trial before the criminal court. All week, the case of seven of the 51 accused will be examined. These men appear on trial for having gone to the home of the Pelicot couple in Mazan to have sexual relations with the woman, Gisèle, whom her husband had previously drugged.

Jean T., 52 years old

Originally from Island, Jean T. arrived in mainland at the age of 39. This follower of libertinism once went to the Pelicot home the same day they made contact on the website. During the investigation, he explained having taken a coke when he arrived, having seen Dominique Pelicot having sexual intercourse with his wife then no longer remember anything until he wakes up in his car. He supposes to have been drugged, which Dominique Pelicot refutes.

Referred to under the pseudonym “Bill” in Dominique Pelicot’s hard drive, Jean T. denies the facts despite watching the videos. At the opening of the trial, he replied “No” when the president asked him if he recognized the facts.

Redouan E., 55 ans

Redouan E., born in Morocco, passed the nurse anesthetist competition in his native country before settling in Vaucluse, where he became a private nurse. He assures that he was not aware of the chemical submission of Gisèle Pelicot at the time of the facts and that he thought about participating in a libertine meeting during which the husband had “offered” his wife to him.

At the start of the trial, he became angry when the president asked him if he admitted the facts. I didn’t force anyoneI didn’t surprise anyone, I am rather the victim of a characteristic ruse”he declared.

Simone M., 42 ans

Originally from New Caledonia, this father of 5 children, employed in construction, was neighbor of the Pelicots in Mazan. He went to their house for the first time, under the pretext of seeing Dominique Pelicot’s bike, to meet his wife. Gisèle Pelicot also affirmed at the start of the trial that she was one of the 50 co-defendants whose faces she knew.

Nicknamed “Simon” in Dominique Pelicot’s files, he appears in a video of rape of Gisèle Pelicot dated 2018. During the investigation, Simone M. said she regretted the facts and deserved “the hanging”. At the opening of the hearing, however, he responded “non” when the president asked him if he recognized the facts.

Thierry Po., 61 years old

This artisan father of three, based in Bouches-du-Rhône, quickly recognized, during the investigation, that he had lacked discernment and that he regretted the facts, even if for him it was a matter of ‘a consensual game. His computer equipment was seized by investigators who discovered numerous child pornography photos and videos : 656 photos and 419 videos were found on a USB key, as well as zoophilic videos.

He is also on trial for possession of child pornography images. At the opening of the trial, he declared that he did not recognize the facts of rape, but that he recognized the possession of child pornography images.

Thierry Pa., 53 ans

Designated as “Jean-Luc” in Dominique Pelicot’s files, Thierry Pa. was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward when he was identified by investigators. He crossed a deep depression after the accidental death of his son.

When confronted with the videos, he assured that he did not remember them. He says he drank a glass of whiskey and coke when he arrived at the Pelicots, which Dominique Pelicot refutes, and did not no memory of the rest of the evening. He does not recognize the facts.

Jérôme V., 46 years old

Jérôme V., based in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, went to the Pelicots’ house six times, during the first confinement in spring 2020. This holder of an early childhood CAP and volunteer firefighter told investigators that he had a unusual sexuality and having engaged in sexual acts on Gisèle Pelicot wittingly.

Today the father of three children, he says he was victim of physical and psychological violence from his parents and school friends. Jérôme V. is described by his partner as an unfaithful man and followed for a sex addiction. She also indicates having memory loss or absences since she met him.

At the start of the trial, Jérôme V. admitted the six aggravated rapes “in their entirety”.

Adrien L., 34 years old

This resident, construction site manager, became a father at 18. During the training, he is described as socially and professionally integrated, but he declares having been a victim of sexual violence which he does not wish to talk about.

He says he only went to the Pelicots to participate in a scenario established by the husband and declares “from the moment the husband was present, there was no rape”. At the opening of the trial, he denied the facts.

Adrien L. is detained for another cause: in 2023, he was convicted of three rapes by the Vaucluse Assize Court.

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