a new consultation against sleep disorders in

a new consultation against sleep disorders in
a new consultation against sleep disorders in Limoges

According to an Odoxa study, 59% of French people find that their sleep is getting worse. The impact on health is not negligible. To cope, the polyclinic has just opened a specialized consultation.


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The Limoges University Hospital already offered treatment for sleep disorders, but the demand is high and the polyclinic is doing so in turn. Since this summer, she has been welcoming patients who sleep poorly, due to sleep apnea or other disorders.

video duration: 00h00mn09s

According to an Odoxa study, 59% of French people find that their sleep is getting worse. The impact on health is not negligible. The Limoges polyclinic has just opened a specialized consultation. Speaker: François Deny, sleep doctor.

©France 3 Limousin

Paul is a guitar teacher in Dordogne, he sleeps badly at night, and a little too much during the day: “I haven’t seen an entire film in a very long time. It’s an annoying chronic fatigue, which affects concentration and attention.”
In the room opposite, Jean-Pierre sleeps little, snores a lot, and his wife is worried because he sometimes stops breathing: “I was a truck driver, I worked a lot of night hours, and it may have disrupted my sleep.”

These two patients will sleep at the clinic, in the new department of Doctor François Deny. Their sleep will be closely monitored: they are equipped with numerous sensors, which will measure movements, breathing, brain and heart activity. For them, the night will not necessarily be restful, but for the doctor, it will be rich in lessons.

This very special welcome is not systematic: certain measures can be done at home, and there are many topics for consultation: sleep disorders can also have psychological sources.

But still, the stakes are high, because poor sleep can have a real impact on health: weight gain, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduced immune defenses, etc.

The doctor offers, if necessary, devices to promote good breathing at night. Above all, it provides simple advice: “Get up and go to bed at regular times, do not eat fatty foods in the evening, avoid alcohol and tobacco three hours before going to bed, avoid snacking. Sport is best done in the morning or at the beginning afternoon… It’s the base.”

According to François Deny, sleep disorders are becoming more and more frequent and underdiagnosed. They would affect 40% of the French population.



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