Renaud caught off guard in the middle of a supermarket: his condition worries his fans

Renaud caught off guard in the middle of a supermarket: his condition worries his fans
Renaud caught off guard in the middle of a supermarket: his condition worries his fans

A few months ago, Renaud created a surprise by returning to the stage for a major event tour. Despite the criticism, the singer knew how to conquer his audience in many sold-out venues.

After this triumphant tour, the artist also launched into an ambitious new project : the writing of a new album.

Renaud back in the spotlight

For this next opus, which marks his big return after several years of absence, Renaud has surrounded himself with talented composers in order to give a new dimension to his music. During an interview given to Parisianhe revealed his main sources of inspiration and announced the long-awaited release date. A great promise for his fans, who continue to follow his journey faithfully.

Apart from the creation of this new opus, Renaud continues on his merry way. Not long ago, these admirers were even able to come across him doing their shopping at the supermarket. A mother then rushed to approach him to ask for a dedication before sharing the video on social networks.

Fans in shock

In no time, the images went viral. And this, because of the disturbing attitude of the interpreter of Mistral Winner. With a haggard look and a voice hoarser than everRenaud aroused the concern of his fans.

“Keep saying that alcohol is less dangerous than bedo”, “It’s not the real thing I hope”, “Sad to see him like that”, “So sad”, “It’s frankly pathetic to make fun of his condition”, “Never been a fan of this person, obviously sick, but it’s not high class to broadcast that”, “He has aged badly”, “He’s the new model of Renault brand It only works with ethanol”, “And the Winner Ricard”, “The alcohol sponge”, “Shows that money and notoriety at a given moment do not always bring happinesscommented several Internet users on X (formerly Twitter).

Or again: “Is it Halloween already?”, “Yes, the alcohol had it badly”, “It’s sadder than anything else”, “A human torch. Alcohol is not taxed enough in this country”, “I’m so sad to see him like this”, “Even if the alcohol has taken its toll, he’s almost 73 years old, he’s not a little kid anymore”. The images unleash passions.

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