DALS, state of health, new album… it says it all! (Excluded)

DALS, state of health, new album… it says it all! (Excluded)
DALS, state of health, new album… it says it all! (Excluded)

Big winner with Natasha St-Pier of the last edition of “DALS”, marked by controversies, Anthony Colette released his second album called “Irréelle” last May. Eclectic and independent, the dancer has only one objective: to listen to his desires!

Anthony Colette repeats it over and over again: he doesn’t like being put into boxes. All his life, he pursued his passions without ever giving up in the face of adversity. As proof, he won the 13th season of Dance with the stars with Natasha St-Pier when he wasn’t expecting it at all and after weeks of tension! Originally from Avignon, the man who will celebrate his 30th birthday next year excels in other fields. Passionate about music, in May he released a new album in an urban pop style called Unreal, in which he expresses all his talent as a performer but also as a songwriter. The dancer, who performed in Léo Matteï, Juvenile Brigade and the series Tomorrow belongs to us, also has projects as an actor. We spoke with this enthusiast who refuses to let anyone dictate his path!

Why did you choose to call your second album Unreal ?

Anthony Colette. I had a hard time choosing. Finally, I wanted to give a little nod to my first album which was called They. On the other hand, I thought I wouldn’t release a second album because it seemed a bit unreal to me. So I thought this title fit well.

What were your sources of inspiration for this second opus?

Anthony Colette. I would have a hard time categorizing the album because I didn’t have a common thread or a clear idea of ​​what I wanted when I started. I wanted to spend time in the studio, either alone or with people I love and just make music. We had no idea where we were going and that’s what I like the most.

In the album there is a song in Spanish called the night. What do you like about this language?

Anthony Colette. I like this language because as a dancer I have danced a lot to rumbas that have very particular rhythms. In this title I wanted to put rhythms that are inspired by them. I started singing in French but the result was not up to my expectations. So I translated the text into Spanish and I realized that it was exactly what I was looking for.

You are an author, composer and performer. Is it important for you to have this triple role?
Anthony Colette. It is even essential. I’ve already been offered songs but for the moment I’m not interested. I like being in the creative process from A to Z and not just singing.

Unreal Album © Christbytheway

You won Dance with the stars with Natasha St-Pier two months ago. During the last primes you seemed to be in a lot of pain. How are you physically?

Anthony Colette. It’s getting better, but it’s the first time in my life that I’ve asked myself questions about the state of my body. I think this pain will come back often. I didn’t take care of myself enough as I should have and when I should have. I’m only 29 years old but it can go very quickly. I don’t regret anything but I think I’m going to pay the consequences at some point.

You collapsed under emotion during the final. Did you really not expect to win?

Anthony Colette. It was an incredible moment. I will remember it all my life and at the same time I have little memory lapses because it was unthinkable. I did not think for a second when I started this season that we would be able to win. With Natasha, we had said to ourselves that we did not see ourselves going all the way. We fought until the end otherwise, I would not have held on. But it was improbable. When the victory was announced, I felt an immense relief. It is as if the circle had been closed in the sense that Dance with the stars was the driving force that made me want to start dancing. Joining this show was already pretty crazy for me, but winning it even more!

What will you remember from this season, which was nevertheless marked by tensions?

Anthony Colette. The fact remains that I am proud of myself, of us, for not having given up, for having held on despite everything that happened. In the end, we did well to believe in it and to train a lot. We managed to hold on despite the mental and especially physical difficulties. Natasha had never danced. And to win the show with a celebrity who had never danced before is just incredible.

If you had to do it again, would you do exactly the same thing?

Anthony Colette That’s a good question. I would probably be careful about some things. I talked a little bit on Twitch. I said some things that were misinterpreted. I might be more careful about those things. But otherwise, I don’t regret anything.

“I try to laugh with everyone”

During this complicated season, you have been very supported by the other dancers. Are they like a second family to you?

Anthony Colette. We don’t see each other all year round because some have troops, travel all year round and do activities together. It’s not my case. On the other hand, when we do the show, we see each other every day for four months and we are like a family because we are all very close and we experience extremely powerful things. Afterwards, for the rest of the year, everyone also goes back to their lives.

You were unanimous among the candidates and dancers. Is it important for you to have good relationships with everyone?

Anthony Colette. It’s true that I’ve been very supported. The season has certainly been marked by controversies that have tarnished the atmosphere, but I always try to keep my positive side. The pace is so intense that you can easily get mentally tired. But I try to always stay in good spirits and laugh with everyone. They’ve given me back, and perhaps especially this year because many things have brought us closer together.

Did you have any favorites among the candidates?

Anthony Colette. I enjoyed almost all of them! (laughs). I knew some better than others because they stayed longer in the adventure obviously but, generally speaking, I had good interactions with almost all the celebrities. But if I had to name just one, I would say Nico Capone. We were the last two couples at the end so we spent the whole adventure together. I was going to help him whenever possible when he needed because he was a huge hard worker like Natasha. It touched me to see him so invested. On the other hand, he is so nice that I am happy to have been able to do this final with him

Inès Vandamme has confided that she is not completely sure about doing the next season of Dancing With The Starss. What about you?

Anthony Colette. I am often asked this question and each time I answer that I still want to enjoy our victory. I am still in this season and I have trouble thinking about what comes next. On the other hand, I do not know when the next one will be. If the members of the production still want me, they will contact me as they have done every year since I started. We will see at that time what will happen but I am not closing the door at all

“I have ambition in everything I do”

You have played in Léo Mattéï, Minors’ Brigade et Tomorrow belongs to us. Do you have any projects as an actor?

Anthony Colette. I want to tour and I’m in talks about some projects. We will see if this will come to fruition. But in any case, I want to continue in this field perhaps in different registers.

In your title In life I lie You say you have ambition. Is this the case in your everyday life?

Anthony Colette. Quite. I am ambitious in the sense that I want to do things that I love and try to go as far as possible, whether in my personal or professional life. I have ambition in everything I do and I always want the best in a healthy way. To do this, you have to work, have ideas and move forward.

You work in different fields and you refuse to fit into boxes. Is it because you are above all a free man?

Anthony Colette. Exactly. I don’t want to be told that they know me as a dancer and that I should only do dancing. I want to do what I love!

Exclusive interview, any reproduction prohibited without mention of the Women’s Journal.



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