Julien Doré unveils a duet with Sharon Stone

Julien Doré unveils a duet with Sharon Stone
Julien Doré unveils a duet with Sharon Stone

Julien Doré is preparing to release an album of covers and collaborations, “Imposteur”, available for pre-order from July 17. The one who made himself known in “Nouvelle Star” in 2007 performs “A Happy Man” by William Sheller with Francis Cabrel, tries his hand at Italian with Hélène Ségara on “Sara perchè ti amo” by Ricchi e Poveri or again covers “Cuitas les bananas” by Philippe Risoli.

But above all, on the disc, there is a duet with Sharon Stone on “Paroles, mots” by Dalida. And it’s her who takes over Alain Delon’s game!

Julien Doré explained to “Télé 7 Jours” that the 66-year-old American star had a crush on him when he heard him live at a Cannes Film Festival party in 2008. Since then, “from time to time, maybe three times in fifteen years, we’ve sent each other messages via Instagram.”

When it came time to find someone to revisit the iconic duet, the “Bichon” singer thought, “What if I wrote on Insta to Sharon Stone?”
“And that’s how it happened,” he says. “I wrote her a message.” And she said, “All in!” It was when the “Basic Instinct” actress participated in a painting exhibition in Berlin that he jumped on a plane to record her voice there. “It was magical.”



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