Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1713 of Friday June 21, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1713 of Friday June 21, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1713 of Friday June 21, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… Karim decides to hide an essential seal. When he returns home, Bastien makes a worrying discovery. Even though time is running out, Charles wants Star Academy for the opening.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Friday June 21 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Karim hides his father’s letter from Rayane

After setting a trap for Rayane, Bonello points his gun at him and orders him to open his shirt. He can thus verify that Rayane is not wearing a microphone. Reassured, Bonello then asks Rayane to give him the money he owes her. The teenager obeys, then asks for his father’s letter. Except that Bonello believes that he wasted time, and therefore money. He forces him to sell off a last stock of Boosters before giving him the letter.

Bonello drives home. On the road, he is stopped by Aurore and Nordine who managed to trace him thanks to the spy that was in the money envelope that Rayane gave him. Bonello is therefore questioned at the police station. Although he still maintains his innocence, the police now have enough evidence against him to put him at risk of imprisonment.

Meanwhile, Karim goes to see Rayane in his cell to inform him that his police custody will be lifted and that he will be brought before a judge. He congratulates his nephew for having the reflex to remove his microphone when Bonello trapped him. Karim then delivers the letter that Rayane was waiting for so much. But upon opening it, the teenager discovers two blank pages. He realizes that he lost Jack and that he put his friends in danger for nothing…

While Rayane is brought before a judge, Karim finds his colleagues. Knowing full well that the IGPN will open an investigation into him and that he will be suspended from his duties, Karim returns his weapon and his badge to Martin. Before leaving the police station, he presents a general apology to all of his colleagues, justifying his actions by his desire to protect his nephew. However, he clarifies that he never wanted to hurt anyone.

For his part, Jack continues to be depressed. Audrey feels sorry for him and tries to comfort him. She supposes that Rayane had her reasons when he decided to leave him. Jack instead thinks that he always considered him to be weak. A little later, Damien comes home from work and informs Jack that Rayane has been arrested. Jack admits that he already knew that Rayane was dealing, that Bonello was putting pressure on her and that is the reason why they separated. Damien then confides that Bonello also threatened to attack him, so much so that Rayane probably left him to protect him. Jack is touched to hear this.

At the Spoon, Violette and Jordan have a drink together. Aware of Rayane’s situation, Violette however declares that she does not blame her for what happened to her, fully assuming her share of responsibility. Jordan is impressed by his maturity. He also states that he is happy to find her as she really is because he was worried about the effect of the Boosters on her. Violette is relieved to know that he doesn’t blame her at all for not being nice to him lately.

At the office, Raphaëlle informs Rayane that the judge of liberties was lenient. Thus, the teenager gets away with a measure of judicial control. Just before returning home, Rayane records a voice note for Jack in which he asks her for forgiveness, admitting that he still loves her and that he cannot bear that they are no longer together. But at the last moment, the young man changes his mind and deletes the note.

Meanwhile, Karim is at home, reading with emotion the letter that Bonello had and which he hid from Rayane. Moreover, upon hearing him come home, Karim hurries to hide the letter in a drawer. While Rayane feels guilty that Karim is suspended from his duties because of him, he claims to have no regrets and recognizes that he should have been more present for him. From now on, Karim wants to avoid lies…

Rachel is hired at the hut

At the Trois Digues hut, Victor and Charles are interviewing for jobs as waiters and waitresses. Charles, who thought he had the job of manager, realizes that Victor wants him to work as a waiter. At the same time, Rachel comes to order them a drink. They explain to him that they are not yet open and that they are in the process of recruiting. But Charles invites Rachel to come back the next day, where he will be happy to serve her.

At the end of the day, Rachel returns to the hut, posing as a waitress to Victor and Charles. She highlights her skills and previous experience with confidence that hits the mark.

Shortly after, Rachel finds Nordine at the Spoon and tells her that she has been hired as a waitress at the hut. She admits to wanting to settle down in Sète. Nordine, however, recommends that he be wary of Victor.

At the estate, Charles suggests to Victor to bring two candidates from the Star Academy to open the hut. Victor finds the idea interesting, but he doubts that Charles will succeed. The latter suggests that he leave the management of the straw hut to him if he takes up the challenge. Victor therefore lets him try his luck.

Audrey is the victim of an attack

Bastien goes to the garage to tell his father that he is going to go to his friends to revise. He can’t wait to see him again in the evening. However, John informs him that he will not be there because he has a date. Bastien can’t wait to meet his father’s girlfriend. John confirms that this will soon be the case.

During the day, Bastien goes to Violette’s house, admitting that he wonders about the identity of his future mother-in-law. However, he is eager to meet her, hoping that his father will be less on his back if he is in a relationship.

At the same time, Audrey receives Mélody at her home to check on her.

In the evening, when he returns home, Bastien realizes that his father is absent. In the garage, he finds Audrey’s lifeless body on the ground, blood running down her face…



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