Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) announces very good news for her move

Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) announces very good news for her move
Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) announces very good news for her move

Shortly before leaving Reunion Island, where the Jeanson family has lived for two years, Marie-Alix, Alexandre’s wife, announced that they had finally found accommodation.

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Marie-Alix and Alexandre Jeanson, one of the star couples of the program Large families: life in XXL, have taken yet another step in the process of their move. Having left to live in Reunion with their five children two years ago, the lovers have in fact decided to return to mainland France at the end of the 2023/2024 school year, and, after sending their boxes of personal belongings in the box maritime which will transport them to Paris – where they will arrive “early October if all goes well” -, they finally found accommodation. This Monday evening, June 17, the mother shared the information in a story.

Accommodation for back to school“: Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) is delighted with the progress of his move

Accommodation for back to school, we can read since this Monday evening on the story of Marie-Alix Jeanson. After a validating emoticon and a drawing of two glasses of champagne, the mother also wrote: “Perfect location, just finalizing the schools for everyone and organizing the move in for the very end of the summer“. Further down, she further specifies: “We made a novena to Saint-Joseph, two days after the end we have accommodation“before recalling the definition of a”novena: recite the same prayer 9 consecutive days for a particular intention“. The family has in fact never hidden its Catholic values ​​and its commitment to the Christian faith.

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One day, one goodbye“: the Jeanson family is preparing to leave Reunion

The mother of Mayeul, Auxence, Faustine, Victor and Aloys, who is used to moving due to her husband’s professional constraints, also clarified that her family was starting to say goodbye to their loved ones. “We’re starting to say goodbye a bit because there are people we know we won’t see again before getting on the plane, so at the moment it’s a bit of a theme of ‘one day, one Goodbye’ “, explains Marie-Alix Jeanson, more than experienced and who now has moving schemes that have amazed Internet users. Especially since the mother is not at the end of her troubles. This week, she specifies that the family has “two birthdays to celebrate (…): Alexandre plus a child“. We wish him good luck.



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