“Temptation Island”: “Rape threats”, a candidate in danger today accuses her suitor of being responsible

“Temptation Island”: “Rape threats”, a candidate in danger today accuses her suitor of being responsible
“Temptation Island”: “Rape threats”, a candidate in danger today accuses her suitor of being responsible

Apart from Maëva and Remy, as well as Salomé and Timothy, all the couples from the last season of Temptation Island left “in love”. And yet, between Gaëtan and Lidia, it was not won. The two played a dangerous game throughout filming and almost went their separate ways.

Particularly when at the last campfire, the young man wanted to settle scores with his muse after seeing compromising videos a few hours earlier. Videos in which Lidia and Samy, her tempter, seemed to have made a mistake.

Compromising images in “Temptation Island”

After the broadcast of these images, the candidate of Temptation Island received a wave of insults and his tempter had to speak up to try to calm the situation. “ She doesn’t touch my underwear, but she scratches my back and gives me little kisses.”he assured at first.

Before specifying: “there is a moment where there is a little crazy and I think that is why the alarm went off. She said to me ‘what’s your favorite position?’ So I show him and that’s when the duvet reaches just below my back and you see me thrusting. And you see two legs on my shoulders.”

Despite these strange images, the tempter Temptation Island assured that there would have been no sex and no kisses exchanged. However, despite these details, Lidia was the victim of horrible threats as she informed Sam Zirah.

Lidia, threatened with rape

“I received rape threats because of that”she revealed to the journalist this Monday, June 17, 2024. “I received rape threats. ‘I know where you come from, I know where you live, be careful’, I’m not even going to repeat it. It was my best friend who managed my Instagram who told me ‘listen to my heart, I’m worried about your safety, I have to show you this message at least so you’re aware'”she clarified.

According to the candidate of Temptation Island, ” all that “it would be “because of Samy”: “Because ok I screwed up, but can we say: ‘you screwed up, you deserve to be threatened with rape’”.

Lidia regrets that her tempter, ” his notoriety “ led “the herd in a certain sense” which led to violent threats against him.



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