Only someone who has seen Friends 10 times will get 10/10 on this quiz

Published on
June 16, 2024

2:00 p.m.
By Lea Goeb

Friends is one of your cult series and you think you know the plot? This is what we will see through this quiz! Only someone who has seen the sitcom 10 times will be able to do it flawlessly! Good luck !

What is the title of the very first episode of Friends?

“The One Who Moves” is the title of the very first episode of Friends.

What two animals do Chandler and Ross adopt in season 3?


At the end of season 3, the two friends adopt a duck and a chick.

Why does Will, an ex-high school friend of Ross and Monica, hate Rachel?



In season 8, Monica invites an old high school friend, Will. He can’t stand Rachel because she used to make fun of him and his weight.

What is Joey’s favorite food?



It’s the sandwiches of course!

Phoebe’s twin sister is named Ursula.



TRUE ! Ursula is Phoebe’s twin sister.

What character does Joey play in Days of Our Lives?



Joey plays Doctor Drake Ramoray in the soap opera Days and lives.

Who did Ross have an affair with while he was “on a break” with Rachel?



He has an affair with the girl from the photocopier while he was on a break with Rachel.

Who informed Rachel anyway?



Gunther revealed the information to Rachel.

When Phoebe gives birth, what series is the doctor watching on television?



When Phoebe gives birth to the triplets, Doctor Harad is a fan of Fonzie and insists on watching Happy Days.

What is the name of the dance Ross and Monica do in this scene?



This is obviously the Routine!

Congratulations !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Congratulations !

Congratulations for this flawless performance! Friends must surely be THE series that you love to see and rewatch every year! No reference escapes you and you know the plots by heart!

Continue your momentum with our other quizzes on Friends !

Well done !

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Well done !

Congratulations for this very good score! It’s not perfect, but you must surely be a very big fan and have seen the series many times!

Continue your momentum with our other quizzes on Friends !

Not bad

You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Not bad

You have good memories of Friends but not enough to claim the title of sitcom expert! You probably saw the series a long time ago and you don’t remember it very well.

Continue your momentum with our other quizzes on Friends !


You got a score of [[ score ]]/[[ questions ]]Ouch...

It makes you wonder if you’ve ever finished the series even once! In any case, you don’t have very good memories of this cult series! Don’t hesitate to run it again to get a better result!

Practice with our other quizzes on Friends !

Start the quiz again


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