Alain Chamfort recounts their meeting

Alain Chamfort recounts their meeting
Alain Chamfort recounts their meeting

A few days after the death of Françoise Hardy, Alain Chamfort spoke to the Sunday newspaper, this June 16. He remembered the first meeting between Jacques Dutronc and the singer, who was then engaged to Jean-Marie Périer, and recounted how their love story was born.

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A remarkable encounter to say the least. In the pages of Sunday newspaper, this June 16, Alain Chamfort spoke at length about the first meeting between Françoise Hardy – who died on June 11, after a long-standing fight against illness – and her husband, Jacques Dutronc. If Thomas Dutronc’s parents had a great relationship, it was not obvious at the start, since the interpreter of How to say goodbye to you was not a heart to be taken during their very first meeting. Indeed, Françoise Hardy was then engaged to Jean-Marie Périer.

Françoise Hardy and Jacques Dutronc quickly “attracted to each other

We met in 1966. Françoise had come to the studio where we rehearsed with Jacques [Dutronc], accompanied by her fiancé Jean-Marie Périer. She impressed us“, first remembered Alain Chamfort. Françoise Hardy, who was enjoying dazzling success at the time, imposed her presence with her simple presence and masked her shyness under “an apparent coldness, a distance“. After this first meeting, the singer often had the opportunity to meet Jacques Dutronc because they had the same artistic director. From then on, the two artists then developed “a great complicity” which, according to their friend, quickly turned into feelings. “They were attracted to each other without daring to take the plunge“, remembered Alain Chamfort. Although they married a few years later, the two singing icons nevertheless separated in 1988, following Jacques Dutronc’s numerous infidelities.

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Françoise Hardy: her rare confidences about her separation from Jacques Dutronc

Despite their separation, Françoise Hardy and Jacques Dutronc never officially divorced. They even remained very complicit. As proof, during an interview given to Parisian, in 2016, the singer not only spoke about Jacques Dutronc’s numerous infidelities but also about the friendly relationship she had with him. “When I think about it now, I really have no resentment. I feel a sense of gratitude, I am grateful to him for making me experience such strong emotions.“, she explained, before adding: “Today, I only feel tenderness and I think it’s mutual. When you’ve lived the best years of your life with someone, it creates a bond.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.



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