Nuit Incolore has “Rendez-vous” with a famous French group in its new music video

Photo credits: YouTube

Nuit Incolore builds a beautiful relationship with the public. In 2023, the young Swiss artist revealed himself with the single “Dépassé”. Boosted by TikTok, this lively track quickly established itself as a must-have on the airwaves, generating 60 million streams on Spotify to date. The result is a diamond single certification and the recording of a first album, “La loi du papel”, for Théo Marclay. “ This album traces the life of a soul. It was written in Japan, in my Swiss chalet, in a Parisian studio, on the train… Travel is the key word. » indicates in the acknowledgments of the record the mysterious singer, who broadened his spectrum with the titles “Crush”, “A l’inverse” or “Sors de ma tête” before winning the Revelation of the Year prize at the Purecharts Awards.

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“We have two different universes but with similarities”

Entering ninth in the Top Albums and accumulating 30,000 sales, Nuit Incolore then shined on the airwaves with “Je cours”, a cover of the title of Kyo in duo with the French group which has 10 million streams on the clock. “ We met in Paris. He is of Swiss origin and he lives in the mountains, in a magnificent place. He told us that on the only radio he could pick up, they only played Kyo all day ! So he heard a lot of our songs when he was a kid. When I discovered his universe before meeting him, I saw similarities in the darkness side of the words and visuals. We have two different universes but with similarities. It was quite natural » explains Benoît Poher to Purecharts. In reality, it’s not one but two pieces that the fine team made together. And it’s now official: “Rendez-vous” is sent to radio stations as a single!

On this pop-rock ballad, Nuit Incolore and Kyo depict a love story that is falling apart… “ I drowned out the words of our dates / I screamed underwater so as not to go crazy / Date, Far from us / Crazy love does not return love at first sight / The rain bursts and the butterflies suffer / See you, Far from us » chant Théo and Benoît in unison, on a melody which gains more and more momentum until an epic finale. Will we see Kyo make a surprise appearance during the Nuit Incolore concert at the Olympia, scheduled for November 29? We cross fingers ! Between now and then, the singer will perform at a handful of summer festivals including the Festival de Poupet.



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