Tomorrow belongs to us: between Jack and Rayane, it’s over! – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: between Jack and Rayane, it’s over! – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: between Jack and Rayane, it’s over! – News Series on TV

To protect her loved ones, Rayane will lock herself in a lie in Tomorrow belongs to us. And unfortunately, her love affair with Jack will pay the price…

Warning, this article contains many spoilers for the next episodes of Tomorrow Belongs to Us. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

It’s the end of a beautiful and great love story in Tomorrow Belongs to Us!

Victim of terrible blackmail by Bonello, Rayane (Sasha Birdy) is forced to deal drugs in order to recover a letter from her father Malik (Mhamed Arezki).

Although he has tried numerous times to put an end to his illegal activities, the teenager has no real choice but to continue working on behalf of Bonello. It must be said that the latter did not hesitate to threaten to attack Jack (Dimitri Fouque) to keep him under his control.

To protect those close to him, Rayane locked himself into lies. And unfortunately, her love affair with Jack will pay the price…

The end of the Jack-Rayane couple

In a new extract available on the TF1+ platform, Jack joins Rayane at the Spoon. Seeing the face covered in bruises of the boy he loves, the son Roussel becomes worried and tries to find out what happened to him. Refusing to tell him anything, Rayane urges him to stop bothering him.

A hard blow for Jack who tries to make her understand that that’s not how their relationship works.

I’ll make things simple for you so you won’t have to worry about me anymore. We stop“, says Rayane, not without emotion. And adds angrily, “If you can’t understand that I need to know what my father wants to tell me in this f***ing letter, we have no business together“.

When Jack asks her why he is leaving him for no reason, Rayane retorts that they no longer understand each other and that things will never work between them. Difficult words to take for Jack who declares, “Rayane, I don’t know what you’re playing. But now, if you let me go like that without saying anything, you won’t see me again“.

But nothing happens, nephew Karim remains silent. Understanding that they no longer have anything to do together, Jack leaves the Spoon. It was only once the young man left that Rayane burst into tears.

A particularly moving scene which seems to mark the end of this emblematic couple.

The troubles continue for Rayane

While Rayane most certainly ended her relationship with Jack to protect him from Bonello, everything suggests that this is only the beginning of trouble for him. Indeed, the adventures will follow one another for Karim’s nephew.

It must be said that the Sète police continue to investigate the boosters and that they could quickly understand that Rayane is involved in this drug trafficking. And if we are to believe the official synopses revealed by the channel, the investigators will want “set a high-risk trap [mettant] Karim beside himself“. Moreover, the latter will not hesitate to “hide an essential seal“. From there to imagining that it was to protect his nephew, there is only one step…

Despite everything, Rayane will end up getting caught and paying the consequences of her actions during the next episodes of the TF1 daily soap opera. Still according to the synopses, Raphaëlle (Jennifer Lauret) will even find him a “structure for TIG“.

To know if there is still hope for the Jack-Rayane couple and if Karim’s nephew will try to win back the heart of the boy he loves, you will still have to be patient.



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