Lacrim’s update on the clash with SCH

Lacrim’s update on the clash with SCH
Lacrim’s update on the clash with SCH

Lacrim confides in his disagreement with SCH!

Lacrim is preparing to make his return to the music scene with his new album “Veni Vini Dici”. On this occasion, he was questioned by the journalist Le Chairman about his clash with SCH.

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The two artists, who have collaborated several times in the past, visibly fell out a few years ago. Lacrim said the tensions were due to money and contract issues. He notably mentioned the case of the “Baron Rouge” company, which he helped create for SCH, but from which he never received the shares due to him.

Despite these differences, Lacrim seems to have turned the page. He stated : “We don’t speak to each other, but everything is understandable. It’s normal. I have my reasons and he subsequently has his.” “I figure if you shoot me in the foot tomorrow, don’t complain if I shoot you in the head.”he then specifies.

“Maybe there were things, maybe I outbid myself and maybe it leaves traces. I understand. There are times you shouldn’t force […] I don’t even blame him, I want him more explains Lacrim.

He does not want to dwell on the past and prefers to focus on his future. “I don’t want to think about that, I moved on to something else. I don’t wish him any harm.”he concluded.

However, it is important to note that Lacrim’s words only represent his side of the story. It was not possible to know SCH’s point of view on this matter, which did not comment on the subject. “I got fucked” Lacrim confided in 2021 about the truth about his clash with SCH.



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