Caped Crusader will disappoint

Caped Crusader will disappoint
Caped Crusader will disappoint

Prime Video resurrects a superhero cartoon legend under the aegis of Bruce Timm. Nearly thirty years after bowing out, Batman: The Series returns to our screens. The production inspired by film noir and the copy of Tim Burton changes its name for the occasion, but intends to adopt the same approach to superheroic entertainment. A city plagued by crime, an art-deco inspiration and a vigilante motivated by his desire for revenge, Batman : Caped Crusader looks deliciously retro. The first trailer confirms these nostalgic impulses, adopting an old-fashioned language that does not displease us. “I have the miquettes”the dialogues promise to be “has-been” just right.

The story should be a continuation of the 90s series, and follow the nocturnal escapades and the confrontations of the Dark Knight. Several emblematic antagonists will be on the trip. Harley Quinn, Two-Face or even Catwoman, it will be the parade of celebrities in Gotham. The series aims to tell the crusade of Bruce Wayne and his alter ego against crime lords. Throughout his missions, he will have to collaborate with certain members of the GCPD. If most of the representatives of Gotham’s order relentlessly hunt him down, Batman will be able to count on a few allies.

A French version which risks causing debate

If there is one art that deserves attention in the French version, it is animation. While spectators were undoubtedly hoping for a return of Richard Darbois in the skin of Batman – he lent his voice to him in the original series – we will have to resolve to welcome a new performer. The French distribution has not yet been communicated, but should be in the coming days. We can still note the presence of Daniel Fourcade, he already lent his voice to Alfred in Arkham Origins.

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The original version has already revealed its secrets, we know that it is Hamish Linklater who will lead the dance as Batman. He will give the reply to Christina Ricci (Catwoman), Jamie Chung (Harley Quinn) et Diedrich Bader (Harvey Dent). The absence of Joker leaves no room for a return of Mark Hamill as Joker. In the original version or in French, the date is set for August 1st on Prime Video.

Watch Batman: Caped Crusader on Prime Video



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