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These 3 dinner myths you need to banish to stay in shape, according to an expert

When we’re looking to lose weight, we tend to follow the diet advice we’ve always heard. However, there are preconceived ideas that must be banished to stay in shape.

Summer is finally here and it’s time to proudly show off your Summer body at the beach! If you’ve planned ahead and watched your diet while practicing regular sports, you’ll certainly feel more comfortable than ever in a swimsuit. And if you’re still on a diet, know that there are preconceived ideas about the diet.

Social networks are the ideal place to find advice on a whole range of subjects, provided by experts. Recently, a weight loss coach debunked Three common myths that many people then believe this information to be false.

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These preconceived ideas about the diet

Shayne Rowland, known as on TikTok, is warning against these common misconceptions in the fitness industry. The trainer questions the veracity of so-called facts about calories, what we eat and drink, and when we do it, saying they are often misleading. But what are these myths? According to the expert, here are three nutrition misconceptions you should dispel if you are serious about losing weight.

Myth 1: Eating late at night makes you gain more weight. The expert explains: “Eating late at night causes weight gain. In reality, 500 calories of Oreos is still 500 calories whether it’s 10 a.m. or 10 p.m. So just because it’s dark doesn’t make the calories inherently bad. It’s probably the fact that nighttime is when you’re most likely to overeat – or down a bottle of wine.”

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Myths to deconstruct

Myth 2: All calories are equal. Here again, the expert explains: “All calories are equal. I don’t think so. If you compare 250 calories of Pringles to 250 calories of berries, I can tell you that you will feel fuller after either one.” So, even if the amount of calories is equal between these two foods, they will not have the same effect on your body. And one of them will greatly facilitate the weight loss process.

Myth 3: Sugar-free drinks should be avoided. “The third myth is that sugar-free drinks are the enemy, when in fact they can be a very useful tool when you’re trying to lose weight.” To illustrate his point, the expert shows a can of Pepsi Max, and explains: “If you have a little sweet tooth, if you want to try to curb your hunger, you can have something like this, which has almost no calories, which might keep you from reaching for other foods.”

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, not to mention tips…



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