Carmaux. Clap-Ciné renews its art house classification

Carmaux. Clap-Ciné renews its art house classification
Carmaux. Clap-Ciné renews its art house classification

the essential
Clap-Ciné will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary and has just renewed its arthouse classification and its labels.

Opened on August 27, 2014, the Carmaux cinema quickly became the cinema for all Carmausins ​​and all film buffs coming from Carmausin, Ségala and other regions to see a popular film, an arthouse film, a documentary, a film for young audiences, a film debate with the director, but also the two festivals which have made it famous for a long time, the festival of social and working-class cinema, and the festival of supporting roles.

This June, Clap-Ciné has just been classified as an art house again with the labels “Young Audience” and “Heritage and Repertoire”. “This official CNC ranking rewards its ongoing work in favor of recent and old auteur films as well as its investment in image education for the youngest spectators. This success is to be shared with the association Clap Actions, the Community of Communes of Carmausin Segala and the town of Carmaux, and the entire Clap-Ciné team”, underlines Jérôme Quaretti, programmer and co-manager. The Art et Essai classification, delivered in dribs and drabs by the National Cinema Center (CNC), is a well-deserved label which validates the work carried out by the entire Clap Ciné team to offer “a significant proportion of films recommended Art et Essai “. Art house cinema since 2016, Clap-Ciné continues its beautiful journey of eclectic cinema which is aimed at everyone, and its quality of programming. Clap-Ciné thus offers popular cinema, auteur films, young audiences, arthouse films, but also debate films, snack films, breakfast films, good and beautiful cinema for all. cinema buffs, cinema that sparks debate and informs, cinema that makes people laugh and cry, think and learn.

Added to all this is the quality of the welcome: “Cinema fans appreciate it. They are welcomed with a smile. They want to come back.” Enough to go very quickly to the Clap-Ciné cinema, the certified cinema. et 05 63 36 84 28.


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